Pure Maps (Native map app)

Yes, 403 too here.

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Just got this:

If you’re still getting 403’s probably a ticket will help


The 403 issue hasn’t resolved for me but lets give it a day or something.

Another thing i noticed is that when i start the app from the terminal i get a blue position marker (not the pointed one) but when i do it from the launcher i don’t. Any idea whats up with that?

In case it helps someone to confirm this is same issue, this should work:

curl \
  -X GET \
  -H 'Content-Type: *' \
  --get 'https://1.base.maps.ls.hereapi.com/maptile/2.1/maptile/newest/normal.day/11/525/761/256/png8' \
    --data-urlencode 'apiKey=APIKEY' --output file.png

Replace APIKEY with your own, file.png should end up being an image. This is the traffic tiles one:

curl \
  -X GET \
  -H 'Content-Type: *' \
  --get 'https://1.traffic.maps.ls.hereapi.com/maptile/2.1/traffictile/newest/normal.traffic.day/11/525/761/256/png8' \
--data-urlencode 'apiKey=APIKEY' 

Which results in:


Oh, great to share this way to test directly!

So yes, what happens is as expected. The traffic curl command returns a

{“error”:“Forbidden”,“error_description”:“These credentials do not authorize access”}

I wrote a ticket here, lowest section, " How can we help you?". Let’s see…

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Have you also tried to link traffic Service to the starter project as described in the doc?

Create a project
To create a project, follow these steps:

Sign in to the HERE platform using your HERE account.
Open the Projects Manager from the launcher.
Click Create new project.
Enter a name for the project. Project names don’t have to be unique.
Enter a project ID. Project IDs must be unique within an organization and cannot be changed for the lifetime of the organization. Project IDs must be between 4 and 16 characters in length.
Optional: Enter a description.
Click Save.
On the Resources tab, select Services and then click Link a Service.
Search for the HERE Vector Tile - Traffic service and click Link.
Click Done.

I tried this but had no luck so far. At least traffic info is used during navigation at the moment on my side.

Are there maps with contour line or level curves available for Pure Maps?

In Pure Maps’ settings/maps there is only ‘OSM Scout (Voreinstellung)’ available and nothing else. Can I add something here?

edit: What is the best speech engine (for german language)?

Pure Maps doesn’t use HERE vector tiles (yet). Same for vector tiles traffic.

If you see only OSM Scout in maps that means you are in “Offline” profile. Change that to “Online”

PS: picotts is probably the best we have now for German TTS


Yes, if I change to online there comes as options:
HSL (white)
MapTiler (Voreinstellung) (highlighted)
OpenSlopeMap (white)
OpenTopoMap (white)
HERE (disabled, API key missing)
Mapbox (disabled, API key missing)

I tapped on OpenTopoMap, and screen changed immediately to the style I love!! :heart_eyes:

Can I store OpenTopoMaps onto the phone (or into OSM Scout Server) to make it usable offline?

edit: @rinigus Can I switch OSM Scout Server by some tweak to use OpenTopoMaps instead of OpenStreetMaps and store them for offline usage?

edit: trying HSL shows nothing, white screen, even after several minutes.
trying OpenSlopeMap is the same.

Can I store OpenTopoMaps onto the phone (or into OSM Scout Server) to make it usable offline?

No. There is some cache, but its not really controlled by Pure Maps.

You could work on style that you would like using OSM Scout Server data. Once in a while I get a request like that, but nobody ended up submitting a style for a merge request.

HSL - data from Finland for Finland only

OpenSlopeMap - I think it was also limited to some location

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I noticed the same thing two days ago, when using HSL in Tampere, Finland. HSL’s developer community announced in their Twitter post that “starting from 3.4.2023, the use of the Digitransit production APIs will require registration and use of API keys.”

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@rinigus Thanks for the great app, I’ve been using it for years! :wink:
Question: Is there a way for me to transfer my history (Bookmarks) from my old phone to the new one? (J1 to X10iii)

Yes, you kan use MyBackup from Open Repos, to have it all in Jolla backup.


Its easy - just copy files in ~/.config/io.github.rinigus/PureMaps/ to your new device

Edit corrected the path for SFOS


Note there is no such folder on the J1, there it’s called ~/.config/harbour-pure-maps

I copied the pois.json and search-history.json to ~/.config/io.github.rinigus/PureMaps/ on the X10iii using Terminal and now everything is working great. Thanks so much!


On my Xperia 10 II with SFOS 4.5.19, the Pure Maps continues to crash. Suggestions?

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Try to switch on Framerate View. On my device this cures Puremaps from crashing. Even so the frame rates are really bad. See also here: Xperia X 10 II GPU heavily affected by GPS fix (Pure Maps and other GPS related apps) - #2 by silta


pure maps: 3.2.1-1.9.1.jolla (via chum); sailfish:; device: xperia xa2 plus

unfortunately it is not possible that my location can be found via gps. according to gpsinfo 7-8 satellites find me, also in here my position can be found in parallel.

i have tested it online and offline (osm scout server), also with different settings for the location on the phone (currently individual: yes/yes/no).

when i start a route in pure maps (always from the current screen center), there is a red sattelite at the top with the text “position unknown”).

is there anything else i have forgotten to set or anything i need to do to be able to use the app?

thank you very much!

give a try suplpatcher like here described: