Pure Maps: for Maptiler users

I just have received a message from Maptiler that our monthly free quota has been used. Which was expected as they have smaller free tier than Mapbox. However, I expect that the service will just be postponed till the end of the month. Note that it may cause disruption if you use Maptiler. You would either need to register personal API key (but check whether legal requirements are fulfilled) or switch to some other supported provider.


I went immediately with a mapbox account. What’s the advantage of maptiler? I was assuming that since I have mapbox api credentials, I’m not going to have an impact on collective use?

As far as I know, Maptiler will not charge me for overuse, just will stop the service. Mapbox will start charging.

It would have been neat if there could be some distributed subscription model. E.g. everyone that pays €10 (20?) a year gets a different paid key. Obviously not very attractive for a private individual to do the admin for… but still.


That is in a nutshell what I have asked MapTiler about. Waiting for reply