Pulseaudio 15 on Sailfish


since the N9 i solely use Meego/Sailfish. I’m more and more annoyed by the sound quality different BT (Sony, Bose) Headsets offer on my Xperia 10III compared to using them on a standard android phone in the family.

Did anybody try to compile PA 15 for sailfish? Any experiences? Can someone give my a hint where to start reading if I try it on my own?

Thanks, Alex


Search before posting.

What does a search reveal?

Out of curiosity i tried searching “Pulseaudio” and got nothing obviously informative back on the subject.




Obliged, thank you. I had missed a thread from 2021 that failed to list “pulseaudio” in the title. :smiley:

I’m so grateful for your kind suggestions.

I had searched myself before but I neither thought of increasing the bitrate (also the thread was known to me) nor sideloading a library from a russian file hoster. This really shifts my question (how to get pulseaudio 15) to a direction I simply failed to recognize.

there’s been a September pull request to update PA to 17.0, maybe we’ll see it in SFOS 5


Maybe then this works with it: Bluetooth Battery Level - #11 by attah

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