[PSA] Community OBS maintenance break

The OBS at https://build.sailfishos.org will be offline for some time, starting around 9:00 UTC today 2024-05-02. The duration of the down-time is not known yet, but I’ll post a update here when it’s back up and running. This does not affect the published repositories at repo.sailfishos.org and those should be accessible normally.

The aim is to clean out some old sources to free up disk space, as it has been running out lately, as some of you may have noticed. As a first step just some of the oldest source revisions will be removed, and after that we’ll figure out what further steps are needed, like removing old inactive projects.


The cleanup is now done, and OBS is back online.

By just clearing out the stray source files, which were no longer referenced by any revision, we were able to free almost 40% of the disk space. And did not need to go into pruning the revision histories, which has higher chance of breaking things. So, hopefully this space will fit all your awesome sources for some time now :slight_smile:

Deleting any packages and projects that you do not need is still recommended, in order to save space on the backend and published repositories. I will probably at some point collect the projects that haven’t had any activity in a while and contact the maintainers if those can be removed.

There are some old projects/packages with broken sources from the past cleanup attempts, but anything new should not have broken this time around. If you notice any issues, let me know here, or on the #sailfishos IRC channel @ oftc.net