Presage-based keyboard available in Chum

Already have Presage installed, so there is a conf file in /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla/layouts.
What I noticed is that each layout has it’s own conf file with a ‘handler’ entry. Most of them say ‘handler=Xt9InputHandler.qml’, but the Presage one says ‘handler=PresageInputHandler.qml’. If I change the handler line to ‘handler=PresageInputHandler.qml’, it causes some predictions to show up on the keyboard, where there were none before, but the predictions are frozen to the same 5 words, and they never change to show suggestions as you type…

Figured it out -
It was the line in conf file that says ‘languageCode=’… In the older layouts, it said ‘languageCode=EN’, but needs to be ‘languageCode=en_US’ (or whatever)

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And why not to use documentation: sailfishos-presage-predictor/utils/keyboard at master · sailfish-keyboard/sailfishos-presage-predictor · GitHub ?

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Because reading is hard…

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