Please share your used patches - I have also reactivate some old patches

I want only share with you the about 50 running patches that I currently activated on my Sony Xperia 10iiwith SFOS 4.6. Maybe this will inspire some people?
I’ll also show my settings, where I’ve added one or two entries.
Have fun and maybe there is someone who can ask the owners and add my updates to the “unified_diff.patch” files to the web catalog and update the patch in the files “patch.json” header?
The green dots shows my moded patches or additional settings entries.
Since I am able to understand the diff files I could repare some very old patches for my fun.
Big Thanks on the developer at patchmanager, because it save the phone if a test patch make trouble!!! In the past I have to reflash the comblete phone. Also search the patchmanager the right lines if the diff line is false or moved from other patches.

For all thats think, that my battery should only hold 1 day:


You inspired me, at least!

I installed “Return old pulley menu 4.x” just out of curiosity. I have to say it looks pretty, but more importantly, it takes UI snappiness to another level. Selecting an item and the transition after selection is way faster than before. “Animation transition” is a nice addition (or removal, actually) too! I tried “Reduce settings app lag” and I kind of liked it, but it makes UI behave a bit wild sometimes, causing misclicks (or mistaps).

In the usability department, “Finer volume control”, “Custom SIM Names” and “GalleryShare” are real gems. “Torch on lockscreen” sounds really handy as well, but I wasn’t able to make it work, although it activated without any errors.

EDIT: I thought I had restarted Home screen, but I hadn’t!

I enjoyed “Smoothly running remorse counter” and “Messages app cover” as well, I think they just look prettier than default. Too bad “Position notifications below the status bar” conflicts with “Glass Popups”, but apparently you have already solved that.

I can’t say I use any patches you don’t already use. :grin:

Sounds like the easiest way would be to drop a PR (many patches have a link to the repo) or contacting the patch developer - many of them are still active.


You inspired me too, @rdomschk.

“How many patches do you want to activate? → Yes!” :joy:

I am missing a working “Force Cover Size” on my Jolla C2 with SailfishOS, i like big covers all the time.

The Patch can’t be activated and i think many other patches are also affected on

did you tweak animation transition? This one won’t activate on my device with version 4.6

the notifications count in switcher also doesn’t work for me

What’s ‘Dont freeze app on peek’?

Hi, this patch should activate the very old live covers in switcher, but Iam not sure that it work.
It ist only one line in compositor. I will test it in the next days.

diff --git a/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml b/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml
index 2a3c9cc..2a0abe0 100644
--- a/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml
+++ b/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ Compositor {
                     sourceItem: used ? transitioningLayer.snapshotSource : null
                     hideSource: true 
                     sourceItem: used ? transitioningLayer.snapshotSource : null
                     hideSource: true
+                    live: true
                     visible: used
                     property bool used: alarmLayerItem.renderSnapshot

original Compositor file:

The app Tafelfish shows a rotating Cassette but maybe it was also before? Normaly that the covers have not a hard snappshot. But in compositor it now no “live” property any more.

Yes, the green patches I mod a little bit and somtimes is the activation order important and it works.
For modding you only learn some easy thinks about the diff file. You need a Notepad++ and have to coppy the original file from usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/... to your computer.
For this you need a root filemanager.
The patches you find in usr/share/patchmanager/patches but you can also load it form openrepos or from here and unpack this with 7zip.
Than you can compare the original file with the diff file.

The header shows the first line and the end line from the array in which the patch will bring the change. After the first no you see how many lines the origial array had and in the second Numer afte the"," how much lines after the patch. Importand are the spaces before the Text. In every line if you not change you have to bring one space and for new lines a “+” not " ". For deleting lines the same with “-”. Please see also that you have add very new line in the next change per qml file.


Mostly the files in 4.6 or 5.0 are moved or a little bit changed and this make that the patch not run.
The patchmanager had also a fuction to see the logfile from not working patches and you can see which line are the problem.

Here are a good learning page: Diff files: what are hunks and how to extract them?

Now I am a bit brave an use on the phone the Text editor iIDE with root from here.

!!!But please dont open any systemfiles with this!!!

Only the patch diffs, because if the system file is patched and linked and you open it the editor saved the linked file for ever and you cannot deactivate the patch. Also be careful with the root file manager.
I had this problem with the compositor file and have to update my old Sony X10 to get the original file.

Also the modded patch “Notification count in switcher” is nice… It shows unread messages for all programms with red bubbles.