"Pinning/Locking" the screen

My wife showed me a very useful feature on her Android phone that would be very cool if we can also have it on SFOS - when she gives our toddler her phone to video call with a grandparent she pins the videocall screen, thus he can’t switch to other programs by mistake or do any actions other than maybe ending the video call after which the screen will remain blank until she unlocks the device.

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Somewhat relevant; Kids mode | OpenRepos.net — Community Repository System - however this is a patch, not an app.


Definitely very cool but not quite what I’m looking for yet, right now the goal is to be able to open an application or even only a specific page in said application and pin that to the screen (ie. Whatsapp Videocall stays on the screen no matter how the kid touches the screen or holds it etc. the above patch is more for older kids who are on the phone unsupervised and actually doing stuff, not a toddler who is babbling at his grandparents and kissing the screen).

Though it’s not primarily for this, the Swipe Lock function of Edge Swipe Control could help a bit.

If enabled, swipes from the side edges won’t work until the lock screen engages the next time.

Top and bottom swipes are not affected though.


I remwmber I used an app on Ipad later in 2015. It prevented the touchscreen to work until a key combination was unlocking it. I will search for more info and bring back

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Honestly, even I think such features are good, but SFOS has fundamental problems that should be addressed first. Especially, security related ones and some main usage scenarios, for instance the memory management is somehow broken.

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Someone could probably hack the trick they use in tutorial, not sure if it’s qml, or would need a cpp-base launcher, but it does exactly that, you either click the correct pattern in correct order or are locked to the app (no idea what happens when app window closes tho when call ends?), shouldn’t even be that hard except the last step