Pinephone. When mobile data works calls don't

Hi all,
I have a Pinephone 1.2 Community Edition, I lately tested Sailfish OS that is great if compared to others (Mobian, Manjaro, SXMO) in making the battery last all day that was the biggest problem I had in 2 years of testing. Now my problem is about mobile data that don’t work at all after boot. I discovered that restarting ofono data start to work flawlessly but after that I can’t receive calls because phone turns on the screen that start flickering at the same frequency of ring tone on the calling phone but doesn’t show the controls to answer.
I noticed that via command line I can answer but there’s no audio at all. I tried restarting connman and eg25-manager but nothing works. I also tried to restart audio service but no luck. The only way to make it work again is reboot.
Remembering I had similar problem with other systems too I tried to update eg25 firmware from 01.002 to 30.006 but nothing changed. I noticed that when problem happens this error shows in logs: connmand [ofono] ERROR! GDBus.Error:org.ofono.Error.NotImplemented: Implementation not provided. I tried to restart dbus but it makes the phone unusable, no desktop, no icons, the only way to go is reboot. After reboot without restarting ofono calls are correctly handled without problems.
Anybody else experienced this behaviour? Any idea to solve?
Thanks to community and developers.

Sailfish OS (Struven ketju)
kernel: Linux PinePhone 6.5.0-pgz-pine64

this is very interesting, because I also bought a PinePhone and tries Manjaro and Mobian. I was planning to put on it Sailfish this weekend.
In another post here in the forum, someone mentioned that there were big changes in ofono latest version. So perhaps either wait for official 4.6 or get the EA version or compile from git (i.e. backport).
This is what I would do. And please post about your progress here.
The error shows that something is not implemented in ofono. To find out what exactly, you can use dbus-monitor --system or dbus-monitor --system "interface=org.ofono.Modem" (ofc replace Modem with the interface you want to monitor)


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I have to make some clarifications:
the problem happens when I boot the phone with mobile data disabled. In this case enabling data the icon turns on but isn’t shown the name of the carrier and connection doesn’t happen. To make it work (as I said) I have to restart ofono but with the icon already lit because if I enable data after restarting ofono it doesn’t work.
Today dbus error isn’t shown anymore.
I found an unsatisfatory but working workaround:
booting with mobile data already enabled (leaving it enabled on preceeding shutdown) connection happens on boot, I can safely disable and enable it again without problems and calls work correctly.
I’ll keep on testing and posting results here. My goal is to daily drive…

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