Phone reboots after it is turned off

Problem with reboot instead of shutdown is still happening on a fresh 4.0 install on Xperia 10 plus. Phone came back from warranty repair with a new motherboard. The last motherboard did the same though it was updated from 3.x and the problem was persistent through the lifetime of the phone.

Same happens on an Xperia X with 4.0 updated from 3.4. No consistency though.

It seems that my yesterday reflashed Xperia 10 is also affected.

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xperia 10 on 4.1.0 , still reboots

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After the update to I had ONE time, where the phone stayed off :star_struck: !!! (other tries → immediately rebooting as always since years…)


Having flashed a newly bought Xperia 10 Plus for a friend just now, this phone has the reboot-bug as well, from the beginning. :woozy_face: First shutdown it stayed off, every other shutdown since then → reboot (not matter if it was locked or unlocked). Same with my own X10.

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Yeah, I’m quite sad about this. At least it is finally tracked as known bug. I’m sorry that I unlocked the bootloader.

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Same thing happens on Xperia 10 III ( impossible to turn off by power button alone or choosing shutdown option (or ‘devel-su poweroff’) what did finally work was holding power button together with volume up right after reboot for a looooong time, even after a vibration when it reboots again until 3 vibrations happen, then it finally gave up

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This is listed as a “Known Issue” for the Xperia 10 with a fix “Not Planned”:

Can not reproduce on Xperia10iii on

It may be worth posting a new bug about this, it may be a 4.5 regression.

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Thanks, looks like I can’t reproduce either anymore, just had two successful shutdowns (one from icon, one from power button holding) and did not get the restart (power button alone before pin entry still causes only reboots though and needed the +vol-up to shutdown from that state). I guess my phone was in a weird state
(edit: hmm, looks like the forced shutdown helped the weather widget, works right away now after booting, it would usually need 15mins or change to wifi after a reboot, interesting)

My Xperia 10 meanwhile allow switching off under condition:

  1. USB Power cable must not be plugged in,
  2. Hold Vol UP + Power until device vibrates 3 x , then release quickly

This works reliable and on my experience that’s the only way it works.

It always reboots immediately if Power cable is plugged in.

This if brute force power off. AFAIK it doesn’t even properly unmount file system. It should be used only as a last resort.

Yes that’s true. With good luck, the few times I did it, no damages occured.

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Same here. Same device, same issue. I have managed to get the phone to shut down on the odd occasion by holding the power button when the red light shows. It’s a bit of an annoyance when you are in a situation where phones have to be powered off.