Paid subscription to updates

That’s one possibility. However Jolla as a company has to take care of it all, on the possibility of updates (Dalvik e.g.) and on the app store. Someone has to take responsibility for it.

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I know that. And Minelli is a reliable person. But really, he does that because Jolla refuses to do it. Jolla could hire him. You can’t expect from potential Jolla customers that they have to go to someone else in order to get a reflashed device.


My last words about this:
some are quite negative about the idea of another Jolla device, pointing to the tablet disaster. I was enthousiastic when the tablet was announced and I would fancy one again. The disaster was not entirely Jolla’s fault, it was also bad luck.
Why would Jolla not be able to do what Volla and Murena did? They are not full OS’s, but at least Jolla could seek advice.
Sailfish is the most advanced alternative OS there is and it would be a shame if it could not improve and find more customers.


The J-D site is nice, but it seems unfortunately Jolla has no interest in developing in that direction. For users it would make more sense to buy the devices from the same provider, at a known public price, and software licence included in the same sale. (Like the competitors mentioned.)

The risky hardware business Jolla tried and got burnt was to make a new phone or new tablet from zero, which requires millions in investment. Here it’s about an online shop making sure a few new Sony are in stock, like any street shop does for low investment and low risk. J-D is random, it’s a guy with a website that sometimes has a suitable phone, sometimes not.

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@Kea - Sind Sie auf Volla OS?
Under Volla OS you can change the settings of the Volla launcher by swiping to the right (once or twice). Under “Anzeige und Menüs” → uncheck “Zeige gruppierte Apps”.
Afterwards you can see all apps and not just the most recently used apps.
But you can also switch to the pre-installed Trebuchet launcher, then you have a completely normal Android launcher, where you can then drag apps onto the home screen.
"Settings → Apps → Standard Apps → Start App Change from “Volla” to “Trebuchet” "
Or you can also install other launchers via F-Droid, such as the “Einfacher Launcher” from “SimpleMobileTools”.

Well according studies with reputation you can not make profit with an electronic product if you do not have a market of 200-300 million customers. I don’t know what Jolla guys were smoking back then, but lets assume they were blinded because they came from Nokia.
I can’t stop blaming them for breaking relations with Rostelecom. I also have not heard anything about Latin America or other alternatives, but lets be honest - there are too many problems not solved for years. It is just disappointing. As you say it is very very good OS. Still with each version it seems there are more issues.
Actually the only reason for me to still use Sailfish is the Buteo SyncML (that I had to update and compile for my personal use).
I also know people who already moved to Volla.
On top of the not solved issues and the new once we are being constantly censored here.
I bet my post will be again hidden, because I am still mentioning this forbidden word Rostelecom


Not only censorship is a problem (which is the biggest), but also the increasing woke culture on this forum and in the company.


How is volla an alternative?
Isn’t it just another low end android device rebranded with a custom rom (or “custom firmware” if you prefer).


At least it works reportedly and seems to be not spying on you like the usual Android/Apple phones. I don’t know exactly, but next time I visit my friend I want to know more and hope, he can show me.
I know he was not very happy with Sailfish and abandoned it. It seems he is also not very happy with Volla either :slight_smile:

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If he has proven his reliability, Jolla should prominently link to the site. In the longer term, they could provide the full marketplace service for him ie listing the available phones to buy on the site. Jolla would then have to take basic legal responsibility for the service though so that’s a much more significant proposition.


I believe it works for many people but still we are talking for an android device.

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Thank you. I only wanted to illustrate that AI on a mobile can be annoying and that it is not really an improvement. I will not use the Android launcher, I even choose the Volla keyboard. Android devices function well but lack the elegance and simple user interface of Sailfish.

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It is open source, privacy friendly. No account is needed. Regular updates. I can use Tutanota mail on it, which is impossible on the 10 III.
The hardware is a Gigaset GS5 with a replaceable battery that lasts two days. You can open the device. Despite some lower specs (processor, RAM, camera) it works as fast as or even faster than Sailfish on a Sony 10 III.
Sound is better. What I also like: dark mood, even in mail. And the screen pleases me more, because there is too much light behind the screen of the 10 III.

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And I’m happy for you. But still we are talking about android.

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Kanthal, I hope you understand that I prefer Sailfish. Used it as daily device since Jolla 1.Typing this on my 10 III with echo, without Tutanota mail, without a reliable satnav, etc. Jolla does not care for people like me, the non-tinkerers.


I am not trying to defend anything here, just to be clear.
I have to use my iPhone for 90% of my day because I cannot even make phone calls without WiFi calling, let alone other issues that I have.
I was just pointing out that an android device cannot be compared with sailfish and the rest of alternative OS’s, that’s all!

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The coöperation with Rostelecom was a cul-de -sac, build on general anti-americanism, which is never fruitful. It benefited the Russian state and prevented Jolla from coöperation with western companies.
Moving to BRICS countries out of the same motive (anti-western) will not help either. Positve motives are best: building an OS that is privacy friendly, easy to use and available to everyone.
Now it is time to praise all the developers who kept Sailfish alive with so much effort and creativity. Local apps, client apps, funny games (Bim, my grandchildren love it). Kudos to all.


If you want to have the discussion West vs Brics, just from business point of view you can have potential clients in Western countries ~ 1 billion people vs Brics+ which are ~3 Billions. The best model west vs Brics can be seen in the cars sales lately where chinese cars are getting market share in Brics+ countries, but very less in Western Countries. On the other hand, legacy western automakers see a decrease in the market share in this Brics+ countries, and a stagnation in western markets if not a decrease. If it comes to chose between these 2 markets I would be very careful with the choice. It might be a matter of life and death for the companies.

Anyway, instead of promoting a subscription model which is not suitable for all the users, why don’t you all help Jolla, by buying JollaMind² ? In this way, at least you get something in return…price shouldn’t be a problem for most of you, as I see you are willing even to pay 20 euros per month in subscription model. Not hating, just saying.

Getting rid of echo is as simple as flashing SFOS over Sony’s stock Android 13 (instead of 11). As a bonus, display tint / color banding is gone, too. After 2 months of use, no single side effect or problem with using such combination.

Yeah… Will we EVER see it on SFOS? It is heavily underrated, especially when 4G support on SFOS is still crap, and many 4G networks themselves are a mess. I have to switch my 10 III to 2G whenever possible to avoid permanent 200-500 mA power drain on 4G which eats battery within <1 day and heats the device to constant 30-35 degrees Celsius.

I don’t buy things I don’t need. I won’t pay any kind of subscription, either.

“You” is a handful of people willing to pay such exaggerated amounts. Majority either do not support subscriptions at all or are able to pay a few euros at most, which in the best case would equal the amount of current one-time payment (assuming that the user wouldn’t stop paying monthly fees earlier than after 2 years or so).


Sorry but paid subscription for OS with outdated internet browser and problems with all hw adaptations for Sony phones is a mistake.
First good browser, good hw adaptations (at Jolla phone and Jolla C level), VoLTE and 5G then we can think about paid subscritpion.
But I think paid subscription is the best way to lose users.