Paid subscription to updates

If Jolla would share the revenue from “paid updates” with community porters: yes.
I do not think that is Jolla’s intention for a multitude of reasons, one being the effort to implement the required logistical infrastructure: Community porters would have to register themselves with their banking information at Jolla.

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See, I did not say Jolla would share part of the revenues; that’s never going to happen.
The community would share them (for the devices ported) to Jolla.

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Community could leverage the (eventual) paid upgrades infra of Jolla for community ports; at a partial cost of the total price (could be the same?)
meaning that community port upgrades could be payable as well (to port maintainers via Jolla infra).

These are your words Deloptes, not mine.

It still happens that my words are getting hidden for no reason, so I start re-posting them as soon as they get hidden. This is my new way of protest.


So, you are admitting spamming?


Not just yours. Some members of this forum even censor their own right to be properly informed, as you can see e.g. here.

There is a race here who wants to pay Jolla more money, whereas in exchange you can’t even expect to be properly informed about which device is to be supported while the last untis disappear from the stores as we speak.


Yup - it is about 10y already and basic things don’t work. There is no proper communication, but we are censored for speaking freely

If you ask me this is a scam by the fins that exited Nokia (or should I say) were kicked out. Imagine this business case:

  1. you pretend to be something
  2. you have a good code base

You manage to convince some investors that you can sell a phone, a tablet, a watch … whatever.
You receive a lot of money - you spend the money (pay bills etc. etc. - life in Finland is not that cheep. it is cold - you need to heat up your home, drive the car etc. etc.)
So you need a user base to show that your product has future - so you lie to the investors, the user base - you do change something here and there and relay on enthusiasts to work for free, but you don’t care about the product, cause the only thing you care is how to get more enthusiasts and investors, because you need more money.

This is what I am suspecting is happening - or at least one possible interpretation, assuming the guys are smart enough

The other possible interpretation is very tragic - they are good skilled developers who did not get it for 10y and could not make it work - which I was referring as Nokia syndrome.

The first one I could understand - the second one is actually very tragic.

Oh and I see you are being flagged and censored also without any reason.


I know you will hide this post as well, but it needed to be said


I don’t know what woke is, but hearing about its omnipresent ills repeatedly in a forum about a small alternative smartphone OS is getting tedious.


Five hidden replies. I suppose full of

censorship vaccination lizard people communism yadda yadda flat earth all nazis except ma and me yadda yadda free speech for the dumb yadda yadda…

Half of this thread is unreadable.


Can’t we close this topic now? There have been posted many replies, different opinions and many ideas, but it’s clear enough that there is no unanimity. Finally it’s up to Jollaboys. (That name appeared for the first time when I updated my 10 III and my XA2 plus today.)
In my eyes the XA2 and XA2 plus were the most attractive devices so far. Just this day I tried to use the XA2 plus again and I had the same reaction as ever: beautiful, intuitive and easy to use. But when I wanted to open NewPipe, it only worked about 30 seconds, then the app crashed. This kind of thing happens too often.
Jollaboys, please don’t neglect Sailfish.

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Isn’t it actually Jollyboys, no matter how amusingly it sounds?


Yes, I was mistaken, you are right. Now we have to wait and see how ‘jolly’ Sailfish will be.

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Option for paying in the “store” would be a good start.
Update items from Jolla/Sailfish OS could be highlighted and open for donations “tips”.
This way users could vote by wallet.
Example: I would not pay for “updated latest version of Microsoft Exchange API whatever”
I would pay for “GUI adress book based integration of SIP secure voice”


Let’s go with Jolly cooperations! Dark Souls cit.
Anyway, you can have a license shops as now, and add a Jolla cloud service, something like that, paid subscription to support the development

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We do not neglect Sailfish OS. Thank you everybody for the fruitful discussion! You’re right @kea that there is no unanimity. Warm thanks to each and everybody involved. I’ll close this one tomorrow given that you don’t close before me.


“Threatening gratitude”?
Sorry, this typo made me laugh :smile:


Oops. Fixed the typo :slight_smile: I’m laughing to myself as well.


Not only porters but community contributors, after 15 months google assistant button will be usable as camera shutter on XIII apparently (Xperia 10 iii: make Google assistant button a camera trigger - #41 by nephros, source: Sailfish Community News, 18th April 2024 - Xperia 10 IV & V - #42 by rainemak), maybe a paid mods model like bethesda tried to introduce will work?