Override .desktop files / concept supported?

The freedesktop spec allows precedence of .desktop files; e.g.:

overrides both.

This seem not to apply to SFOS. My impression is, that lipstick does cook his/her own soup?! Does SFOS supports this precedence concept?

I did some tests and the results are not the ones I expect. It seems that lipstick just collects such desktop files and build the lipstick specific list in
.config/lipstick/applications.menu and .config/nemomobile/lipstick.conf

It does. At least I used this in the past to override some default MIME assignments.

It does not look like. The icons are duplicated in the grid. Lipstick lists its also duplicated …

Which version are you running as your original question lacks data?

I have been observing this behavior for some major releases. I am currently on the latest SFOS for Xperia 10 I/II/III ( BTW, I’m not talking about MIME-Type customization.