OSM Scout for Sailfish OS - Alternative map directory

I have installed OSM Scout for Sailfish OS on my Jolla C2 and it works very well. Nevertheless, I have a question: The maps that have to be downloaded for operation are saved in the download folder. This setting is also fixed in the software. Is there a way to save the maps in a separate directory so that they do not have to be saved permanently in the download folder?

You can try OSM Scout Server, it can be used to feed map tiles to Pure Maps and can be tweaked to use any directory you want


As OSM Scout is running in the sailjail sandbox, location of the maps needs to be explicitly allowed in application manifest. So I decided to use Download directory back then. Or you can use SD card location. You can also use Documents and create symbolic link… But the question is, why you don’t like to have the maps in Download directory?


You can put a symbolic link to where you want to store the maps at the location the app wants it to be

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Thank you very much for your feedback!

I would like to have the maps in a different directory because I only use the download to download files and not to save them permanently.

Many thanks for the tip!

Thank you very much! Sounds interesting.

I did that for somscout-server on the onda tablet where i made a link to the second partition, or rather mounted the partition at /home/nemo/Maps.OSM if i remember the path correctly and on phones i linked to the sd card

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Okay. I see. The solution with the link is fine. No great effort. Thank you!