OSM Scout and language of maps

I use OSM Scout as navigation app with offline maps for years and I am very happy with it. The only problem is, that all the maps are often in the language of the country, e.g. maps of Poland are Polish, maps of Greece are Greek. Normally this is no issue, but greek maps are difficult (for me…).

Is there anything I can do to have all the offline maps in English (for example)?

Yes, Preferences, General, Language

I don’t have this setting in OSM Scout.

How about ‘prefer English names’ in Settings?

I have tried this, but this doesn’t change anything (in the map for Crete).

Oops, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and responded how I solved this in Pure maps.

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This functionality requires “name:en” tag on OpenStreetMap objects. And it is present just on major objects… So, it is not very useful for higher zoom levels.

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Ok, thank you. I suggest there is no solution for higher zoom levels (for maps in OSM Scout)?

Solution is not easy:

  • systematically improve OSM data, add name:en where such name exist

  • use some kind of transcription for non-latin languages (I guess thats is the problem for your specific area, right?)

Yes, you’re right, regarding point 2.

To be honest, I don’t think I can do this.