The HW access has always been a problem for open systems.
Mobile device situation is probably worse than pc/computers in the '90.
For the savvy ones here, I wonder to which extent manufacturers could be law- constrained to provide a OS-agnostic API (specifications / blobs/ microcode) for being allowed to sell their gear in given jurisdiction. Ex: EU.
My naive thought is than when purchasing hardware, there is full transfer of ownership - thus buyers should be in position to choose how they exploit their hardware, had they the will and skills to.
Manufacturers should apply for obtaining specific exemptions - ex self steering modules in cars, industrial grade machines, aeronautics, etc - which can easily turn dangerous (intendedly or not).
Exemptions should not be available at all for general purpose devices,
- comm enabled devices, phones, tablets, watches, computers, routers, car entertaining, cameras, heating , TVs, - almost anything.
Could this be achieved legally?
Maybe we can launch a petition, try to lobby or even catch some politician’s ear on the matter…