Olive goes shopping thread

Hi @pawel.spoon,
The application is relatively easy to use (I did not fully understand how to use household and food in shopping list), but I use it, thank you. There are a few phrases in the application that are not in the list for translation (e.g. in Settings/Show categories, /Show categories in shopping list, /Show categories in items), but these are small things.
My suggestions

  1. I would like to keep the last shopping list after making a purchase so that I can create a new shopping list from it and not have to harder reassemble it from the primary commodity lists. I know that it is possible to do this so that I do not delete the equipped items of the shopping list, they remain crossed out, but it is confusing during shopping.

  2. Capital letters are not used in the Slovak language; have you already allowed it to be set in the shopping list, could you allow it to be set for the whole application, all lists, please?

if you want to have a reusable shopping list, i would misuse recipes for that
create a recipe with name whatever and add the items you want
then you can use it as a copy

i have done something for spanish and i think it will work in whole applicaton.
only the pre-filled database will remain capitalized i think

Good idea :slight_smile:

I tried it, partly successfully:

  1. the list of ingredients shows a maximum of six items in the recipe, others cannot be scrolled, so it is not possible to verify how many there are in the list,
  2. Only the first 12 ingredients from the recipe were displayed in the shopping list.

Am I doing something wrong?
Xperia X/SFOS app 4.5-0

guess not, i never had more then 5-6 ingredients in an recipe
and i have added the recipes via json - edit
so did not know that the scroll does not work. feel free to create a defect in github, else i might forget it.

thanks, issues added
…post must be at least 20 characters.

hi there,
i have started to rewrite the backend:

  • i store all items into a file structure rather then db
    this should simplify a nexcloud sync in future and
    it would enable you to sync via e.g. GhostCloud
  • i am trying to do it in python in the hope to get an android version out for my ruthless wife
  • i will make the item types flexible, means you can have food, household and more
    however this seems to overlap a bit with categories
  • i am also not sure if cats should be itemtype-specific
    so for food you could have cats, for household too etc.
    in that way even receipes could have cats like soups / sweet
    not sure if anyone needs that
  • i am not sure if we need multiple shoppinglists, again it kinda overlaps with cat
    you can have a shopping list per shop or you can have one list with cats per shop
    if i do both, you could have one list per shop and cats to separate the list.
    the backend does not really care, it is also not that much more effort. the ui is what i fear if i go for multiple shopping lists
  • finally, should i include multiple tasklists and repetitive task ?
    from model point of view it is nearly the same, a task may have a prio and a date, but it gets done just like a shopping list item. so not sure here. bring it in, or leave that to Tasklist which is a nice app but misses the sync to nextcloud


i have release a early version of olive goes shopping mk2

that means that i will stop support for mk1.
please do not waste effort on translations etc.

pros of mk2:
you can have multiple shopping lists
you can have more types: not just food and household but whatever you want
it will also have extendable units with reall unit conversion …
recipes are currently not fully supported
i have also removed the tab control in add, it looked sexy but prevented swipe to accept

regarding data migration:
new storage is filebased, all json all simple to read, so it will be possible to convert your old data.
wortcase: export to json and manuall mod
or somebody writes a small script

but lets get that thing feature complete first

please provide defect and ideas, an app background icon would be also cool


these are the currently deployed units.
they will or should be mlg aware again.
however not sure when i will write and editor for the same

{“Id”: “1”, “Name”: “-”, “Phydim”: “Piece”, “Factor”: 1, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “2”, “Name”: “10er”, “Phydim”: “Piece”, “Factor”: 10, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “3”, “Name”: “dozen”, “Phydim”: “Piece”, “Factor”: 12, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “4”, “Name”: “kg”, “Phydim”: “Weight”, “Factor”: 1, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “5”, “Name”: “dag”, “Phydim”: “Weight”, “Factor”: 0.01, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “6”, “Name”: “g”, “Phydim”: “Weight”, “Factor”: 0.001, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “7”, “Name”: “t”, “Phydim”: “Weight”, “Factor”: 1000, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “8”, “Name”: “lbs”, “Phydim”: “Weight”, “Factor”: 0.5, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “9”, “Name”: “l”, “Phydim”: “Volume”, “Factor”: 1, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “10”, “Name”: “dl”, “Phydim”: “Volume”, “Factor”: 0.1, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “11”, “Name”: “ml”, “Phydim”: “Volume”, “Factor”: 0.01, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “12”, “Name”: “m”, “Phydim”: “Length”, “Factor”: 1, “Offset”: 0},
{“Id”: “13”, “Name”: “cm”, “Phydim”: “Length”, “Factor”: 0.01, “Offset”: 0}

so if you miss some please report it now, i will add them to inrtial fill

and here are the physical dims:
{“Id”: “1”, “Name”: “Weight”, “OrderNr”: 0},
{“Id”: “2”, “Name”: “Volume”, “OrderNr”: 0},
{“Id”: “3”, “Name”: “Piece”, “OrderNr”: 0},
{“Id”: “4”, “Name”: “Length”, “OrderNr”: 0}

so if you ask for a unit, i need the conversion factors too.
base is metrics, so :
m, kg, l

Shouldn’t ml factor be 0.001?

you won a free copy :slight_smile:
did fix that

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version 0.6 released.
for those that do not use recipes, i think it is already quite usable

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Hi Pawel,

do you plan to release an Armv7 version for MK2? The Aarch64 version does not run on Xperia XA 2.

Installs and launches without any issues on Volla. Many thanks @pawel.spoon !
Will try in detail later and then report here.

i can actually, i’m back from vaccation so not in super mood to work, but i can do that.
i wanted to be more feature complete first, but fine