Old new user disapointed

No, Apple invented that too – the Newton. Remember?

iPod was just a faster, polished, Newton marketed as the coolest thing ever. It didn’t matter that it was heavily over-enginneered and cost 2-4x as much as other music players. Apple saw a niche product and realised it was mass-market if made prettier… and if it had a $billion marketing budget in the booming late 2000s. I don’t know if they always planned the iPod or just released a cut-down iPhone for the gap in the market.
It didn’t matter the hard disk kept failing either because Apple bribed journalists to keep this out of the news until they released the flash version.

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They stole the idea for the Ipod, admiting it years after:

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Sailfish 4.6 is coming, but the weather won’t be fixed for now. But expect some improvements :wink:

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If you read the link, he filed a patent for a SRAM player ~30 years earlier. So the Daily Fail headline is completely wrong as usual.

I think it’s a good point that the non-operation of the weather app doesn’t make the best first impression to new users.
I started using SF about a month or so before that problem came about.

At least MeeCast is easy to obtain from the Jolla store.

I remember having difficulty adding a microsoft account to my nokia 9 natively in android, to the point where I had to install the Outlook app to make it work.
I wonder whether the Android Outlook app running in App Support might be a workaround if there’s no permutation of settings that will get your account to work natively.

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Apple didn’t just bring the smartphone to an audience—Nokia was already doing that.

Apple fundamentally shifted the public’s conception of what a smartphone aims to be: for Nokia it was a converged device, where phone, GPS, a decent camera, radio, radio transmitter (i.e., N900), accelerometer, multitasking, etc. were all combined in one device, often with a keyboard interface; for Apple, a smartphone was a touchscreen computer, where the functionality would come primarily from the applications and not from the innovative hardware…

If I recall correctly, Nokia had pentaband 3G phones when the iPhone didn’t even have 3G yet.