Offline dictionary/translation tool?


Somebody know of some offline dictionary/translation tool for sailfish os?

If not, do you know of some opensource dictionaries? I’ve found some time ago freedict, they have some rust library but the repo has been archived: GitHub - freedict/libdict: Efficient Dict Format Lookup Library


There is at least Wunderfitz, and its fork “Offline Dictionary” (which incidentally is named surprisingly close to your topic title).

I use this one: Sidudict

Take a look at: Speech Note.

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thanks you all,

I will try to install them and try it.

The webpage translation present in Firefox is said to be a locally operating ML solution. I wonder whether it is open source.

I’ll +1 Wunderfitz. You need to download the dicts (and possibly disable the ai bits) but it’s a really nice app. I use if between german, french and english and find it really useful.


is there any goldendict port?

Good also for SV-EN, SV-DE.

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