[Official announcement] L10n strings for 3.4.0

Hello again dear language fellows!

We are now ready for a translation round 3.4.0 release.

This translation round has around 320 strings to be translated depending on the language. If you could do your best to translate most of it until Thursday the 23th of July , we would take in your hard work just before Jarkko’s holiday. The completed remainder would be taken in on Monday the 3rd of August . If you have any concerns, problems, or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

A kind reminder, always use “English (United Kingdom)” as the source for your translations, not Engineering English. There are still languages doing it the wrong way. Also, please try to check old terms used to keep consistency. The same goes for language style (e.g. how to address the user, https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Translate_the_OS#Tone_of_voice) and old translations. Also please check if there is a comment on a string to keep the translation short or some other guidance (via the “Content instructions” meta-language).

You’ll notice some older strings will be gone where an ID or the source (Engineering English) has changed between the releases. To avoid doing double work, we have saved some of such strings in

https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Translation_backup .

Without further ado, head to https://translate.sailfishos.org/ and follow link for instructions if you’re there for the first time :slight_smile:

Thank you & regards,

Sim & Jarkko


You need to check your links, they are full of outlook-nonsense, and require a login to follow. :slight_smile:

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Hi, thanks! The links should be fine now.



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Could we please get some context for “Simple - Compositor only” (vs. Detailed and Application only) in jolla-settings-system?

You should now see comments.



Makes one wonder (yet again) why an open source company whose product actually is a Linux distribution uses Outlook.



In sailfishbackup-la-not_enough_disk_space

Engelsk (Storbritannia) Error: not enough memory
Engineering English: Error: not enough disk space

The memory in English UK refers to RAM, while the EE (and context) string clearly refers to disk space

While the (not technical) user may not care too much about the distinction at least they can remove/transfer something from the phone to free space.

It clashes with the “Sailfish OS Tone is unambiguous”

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The community translations appear to be missing four projects, 91 (community) vs 95 (official).

Lots of interesting strings, I’ll try to get it all done this week.

This sting is empty

>     polski / lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 / lipstick-jolla-home.ts
>     [String 573726](https://translate.sailfishos.org/pl/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/translate/lipstick-jolla-home.ts#unit=573726)
>     Context:
>     lipstick_jolla-la-show_storage_settings
>     Locations:
>     diskspacewatcher.cpp:140

First %1 of every month

I can’t translate it properly to Polish. Please add more options.

for example:
“first Monday” is pierwszy poniedziałek" but “first Wednesday” is “pierwsza środa”

The same for Second, Third nad Fourh strings



We cannot do any changes for the source at this point. Therefore please use numbers: 1. poniedzialek etc.




We do not have disks on our devices. Memory can be RAM, or can be flash memory (which is inside small devices), which is what we’re referring to here, thus our tone is unambiguous.



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I didn’t know about Polish when I created these strings… In the code, it works more or less like this for an event taking place on at:

var dayName = dayOfWeek(at)
if (at.dayOfMonth < 8) {
  return "First %1 of every month".arg(dayName)
} else if (at.dayOfMonth < 15){
  return "Second %1 of every month".arg(dayName)
} …

In Polish and maybe other languages, if you need to vary “First”, “Second”… depending on the day of week name, I will have to differentiate the string for every week day times every week of the month, right ?

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I suggest using numbers. They also take less space and then you don’t have to worry that much about word genders etc. You don’t need to change the source as it would only make the strings reappear as new ones later -> another translation round.



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yes, it should be string per week day for sure.
Probably it’s the same for Czech lang.


Thank you @jahonen, I was more thinking about changing the strings for the next version not to disturb the translation rounds. But if you think it’s valid to use numbers instead (and being shorter is a plus, indeed), that’s great.

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You can ignore this string for this round. The content instructions have been updated for the string.

Some languages do not have numbered equivalents for “1st”, “2nd” etc, or they might be not easily readable.
Thus instead of “1. środa”, may I suggest to shorten to “Pierwsz. środa” or similarly?

in Polish there is no short form of “first”, “second” etc.
and “Pierwsz.” looks like typo not like short form.
“1 środa” looks weird but it’s better than “Pierwsz.”

ok [more characters to get 20]