Notification 'reminder'

Since the C2 lacks a notification LED, (and even if it did), having an option to repeat uncleared notifications would be a really useful feature.

I’m not one of those people whose phone never leaves their hands… sometimes I might not wake the phone for days. So unless I specifically look, I can easily miss a text, or a call, or even a calendar reminder.

It seems it would be really useful to be able to have the handset periodically vibrate, or play a notification tone, if there is some uncleared notification.

In an ideal world…

  • play a unique sound, so it’s obviously a reminder
  • choose trigger events between call/text/email/calendar etc.
  • choose an alert rate e.g. 15/30/60 minutes

Maybe there’s an app which already does something similar, but if there is, I didn’t find it. I might even try to write one if I had some time and a clue where to start. On the desktop, some simple cronjob would get the job done.

This isn’t android/ios, so there doesn’t seem to be a drive to have users keep their phones in front of their face 24/7, but it’s hard to disconnect if you have that nagging feeling you might have missed a message.


Maybe someone can Build a tiny USB-C-Dongle which includes a RGB-LED for the C2.

Desktop-Version is already there:

Theres also a Bluetooth-Notify-Light in some shops.

Or just use SailfishConnect :sunglasses:

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Hardware would be easy enough, but it just means writing more software, instead of less :woozy_face:

I do use KDE Connect and SailfishConnect, but that just means checking another computer instead.

And I’ve given up expecting bluetooth to work reliably, properly, or even at all, on any official Sailfish.

I’m wondering of the reactions, because this was known before (Missing FP-Reader, Notify LED, 5G, NFC, Wireless Charge).

busctl --user call org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications \
org.freedesktop.Notifications GetNotifications s "harbour-whisperfish"

Parse the output and play a sound if something matches.

Put that in a cron job.