Not enough space on root to install sailfish 4

what is the best way to free space on root.

upgrade needs 570 MB, but I only have 549 MB

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Deleting native apps.

You can inspect what takes the most space using Space Inspector (that doesn’t work for me in some folders) or using the terminal tool ncdu. Look at every other folder than /home and your SD card.
For me the biggest ones were Stellarium and OSM Scout Server.

You can also consider increasing the size of the root volume, as the default size is notoriously too small - I’ve done so on my Xperia X before upgrading to 3.4, following this description:


If you have a device with system_a and system_b labled partitions, you can use the free space on system_a to extend the rootfs. Extend SailfishOS rootfs with a hidden, unused partition.-Oskar Roesler's Blog