No roaming for mobile internet connection

Since works with dual network in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

Have you tried setting Network to IPv4?

No, I haven’t tried this setting. I will try next time I go to France.

I just had similar problems in France:

HARDWARE: Sony Xperia 10 III
SIM: Vodafone Germany

I was unable to use a mobile data connection for several days (trying merely everything: reboots, manula APN configuration etc.) UNTIL I placed the SIM card in an Android phone for one single mobil internet access. Thereafter, I placed the SIM card again in my Xperia 10 iii with SFOS and mobile data (i.e. roaming) worked. APN setting etc. were the same as before

While this is no solution, it might be a workaround to be kept in mind

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Here are some news about my Xperia 10 III. I was during a week in Italy with mainly Sunrise (Italy) as the main operator and I experienced the same problems as I had previously in France. I had tried to set Network to IP4, mixed and IP6, and there was no difference with these settings. Last year, with the Xperia 10 Plus, I didn’t have any problem in Italy (with the same SIM card). One more information: in Switzerland (where I live), the operator is Sunrise and the phone works very well, except the bug of the echo with the voice call.

Same here. I’m using a Lidl (Vodafone Reseller) sim from Germany in my up to date Xperia 10 III.

Worked in Slovenia and Croatia, did not work in Austria or France. For me it’s a regression, worked in France earlier this year.

I live close to the french border so I should be able to obtain any logs easily if helpfull

I found out that the issue is only reproducible on my X10-3. It works perfectly on my X10-2…
I’ll try again once I find another X10-3.

Ok, it’s definitely my phone that’s the problem. I’ll report back here when I find out which reset works.

I just got this - with my Zenfone community port, I traveled (on the ground) through Hungary, Austria and Germany and not one network connected with mobile data.
I have tried these three tricks already Resetting oFono Settings | Sailfish OS Documentation

HARDWARE: Zenfone 8
REGRESSION: Yes. This did not happen on hardware: Xiaomi Mi Note 10, community OS: 4.4.x.x when I flew to Austria

(Maybe I should’ve taken the plane ;p)

Update: I managed to find a way to put my sim card in the Xiaomi, randomly in the 2nd slot, and with both sim slots enabled only, roaming works…

So this might be an Android 10 vs Android 11 base error, Android 10 base works.
L.E. The same setup, 2nd SIM, both enabled even if one empty, works mostly on A11 too…

When I was in Crete I lost mobile connection on my Xperia 10 III all the time – the 3rd trick in abovementioned Resetting oFono Settings in a bit safer form

systemctl stop ofono
rm /var/lib/ofono/??* -rf

(EDIT: may need second reboot if device fails to search mobile network – had to do
that today but I don’t recall I had to do it previously – more than once or a few times…)

and then reconfiguring sim cards and mobile network in Settings
helped – but only for a while – when the phone was connected via a certain
towers (4G) network worked fine but if it happened to loose connection to such
a tower but connected to some other w/ some other carrier, it was game over
– returning back to previously working tower did not get connection back, and
had to remove ofono settings (and reboot) to reconnect.

I’ve done the above dozens of times and I can say it is safe to do – and reconfiguring
mobile is pretty straightforward to do…

I do have quite a few CellMon screenshots from the working and non-working
situations and maybe some ofono logs if those are of any use…

The Android base in my device is 11, probably from sept-oct 2022 (15 months ago) – had
quite a few challenges installing SailfishOS at that time (I typed wrong code and the ux
was not clear enough of the problem so I run (and upgraded) android for a week before
got SailfishOS installed…)

Yeah, handing the connection to a 3g tower and back to 4g needs a reboot here too…

That was last year.

I traveled from Berlin via Czech Republic to Vienna yesterday and roaming worked like a charm. Reboots at borders were necessary with Sailfish and Android phones.

So Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Poland worked well with 10 III in 2023. VoLTE does not always register. Network access is set to dual use of both IPv4 and V6.

I am based in Austria and I have found that switching of the SIM card PIN code “solves” the problem. It’s certainly not an ideal solution but at the moment it’s a necessary workaround.

Do you mean “switching OFF the SIM card PIN code”, i.e., disabling the PIN code query?

I noticed the same roaming problem with my Xperia 10 III, eg. I had to disable SIM card PIN code prompting in sfos settings, otherwise mobile data connection (when roaming) wouldn’t work.

Under Settings / Pin code I have to deactivate “Require PIN code” for my Austrian SIM. If the PIN code is activated then I cannot connect to the internet on the mobile network.

I am not roaming. I am in Austria and using an Austrian A1 SIM card.
I’m using a Xperia 10 III.

If anybody has a similar problem with a better solution then I’d be very happy to hear it.

With FI Elisa SIM, I was in Munich Airport and whatever I did I could not get anything cellular to work – no network, sms did not get sent (did not try phone calls but probably not).

After I did that “ofono removal” I mentioned on older post, 4G was there for a while…
… and after second time I realized the problem came after I enabled roaming.

Without roaming I could not have internet connection but I could send and receive SMS (tried)

Now at home network I still have roaming disabled – 4G connecs faster this way (some times minutes faster!!!)

But what is interesting that while I was in Austria, in an area where 3G network is still alive, I got connected to 3G and 4G networks, pretty much like it used to be. Here in Finland Elisa
shutdown their 3G network. In Munich Airport I did not ever see 3G in phone UI (did not try cellmon though). In last spring when I was in Crete (and had problems, although connections sometimes worked) I only saw 2G and 4G networks (in cellmon too). I don’t see a connection why this would make any difference (and is probably coincidental), but I mentioned it here anyway…

After using Sailfish OS on Xperia 10 III for 1.5 years, here are my experience with mobile data when roaming so far:

All tests done with ELISA FI sim card.
:white_check_mark: Estonia - works
:white_check_mark: Åland Islands (Ålcom network) - works
:white_check_mark: Croatia - works
:white_check_mark: Spain - works (tested both with ELISA FI and DNA FI sim card)
:x: Poland - doesn’t work¹
:x: Sweden - doesn’t work
:x: Germany - doesn’t work²

¹ Collected ofono.log during my visit in Poland for anyone interested. I had a lot of extra time here to try different troubleshooting steps: tried both SIM1 and SIM2 cards slots, tried all APN protocols (IP/IPv6/Dual), and attempted all tricks mentioned in Resetting oFono Settings | Sailfish OS Documentation.
² In Germany it was showing interesting behaviour: when mobile data was turned off it would connect to network with 4G, but as soon as you enabled mobile data the network was downgraded to 3G (but still without working mobile data)

I’m currently on vacation in France and SFR works while other providers don’t . So I need to manually lock it to this provider. I use Lidl Connect at home, a Vodafone reseller.

I frequently see the ‘reboot’ dialog and I loose dats data connection from time to time requirinf further reboots.

ps: I cannot delete anything I typed here in fennec, sorry for the typos… also words only appear once finished?