No network on C2

I don’t remember what I did, just install some software from repositories. Sfos 50061 and 4G indicating.

That might influence. What software exactly?

Some sw from chum and store man. Nothing dangerous, don’t remember details. I still not have developer setting on, and I don’t understand how this could happen.

Install ‘install history’ from chum and you will have list of what you installed in Settings app

I think something happen here

Yeah I don’t containers is ‘nothing dangerous’ About 'Larger clock font on home screen' patch on C2 - #19 by eson

Do you have any advice? Any help?

It’s at least a bit dangerous to install/change a lot at once. Especially before IDE is released for version 5 as rebuild needs to be done for almost all packages.

Yes, my fault. But now what I can do? This is my lesson. I was curious about new sfos after my past phones with Maemo and Meego. :expressionless:

If you just installed just start from scratch and treat openrepos/chum as dangerous, both qt5.15 and containers are pretty risky on 486 and on C2 it seems, just keep to jolla store and you will be fine (just make a backup since your phone still works and restore it after reflash)
edit: alternatively go through each and every package in install history right from before installing containers and uninstall manually from terminal with pkcon, maybe could restore it back to functionality, not really sure which will be faster

How did you install anything from OpenRepos (e.g. by the help of Storeman) or the SailfishOS:Chum community repository (e.g. by the help of the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app) then?
I.e., did you really download and install all these packages manually?

BTW (WRT "I don’t understand how this could happen"), all this is software in “alpha” or at most “beta” state: OS, apps etc.

Side note: “[no] IDE is released for version 5 [yet] …” means “The Sailfish-SDK for SailfishOS 5.0 is not yet published by Jolla.”, while nicely pointing out the consequences.

LOL: quadruple fault :wink:

P.S.: I suggest to start anew by freshly flashing SailfishOS on this device.


Thanks… In the alternative way do I need the developer account? Right now I’m not using the terminal

No, pkcon should trigger the GUI PIN confirmation, but yeah, you will need terminal which comes from developer mode, olf posted good question how did you manage to install OR/chum and all that sh*t with developer mode off??? You can install toeterm rpm from manual download, but you still need to at least checkbox the other sources in settings (and no clue how devel-su behaves then… actually curious now)

Could you type, or show me, a right procedure to do it? I do not have dev account and also I don’t have dev experience and knowledge.

In terminal you just type ‘pkcon remove xxx’
where xxx is all the names from here from where you installed containers:
After each command you should get silica prompt to confirm with your PIN (or fingerprint, no idea), this skips the devel-su requirement, but you still seem really quiet how you managed to install all dev stuff with never turning that on, please share maybe aurora users can enjoy dev mode with just clicking around too
edit: and yeah the process is long you might save time by just doing a backup and starting fresh as it’s not even guaranteed to revert everything to working condition

I didn’t actually say it was dangerous, just that I managed to f**k up. :wink:
Also, my system seemed to be damaged anyway.

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My question is. If I wait next OS update, the phone will be back in full operativity or not?
Anyone has tried those tricks?

Resetting oFono Settings


  1. Trick 1
  2. Trick 2
  3. Trick 3

It may be that it is not possible to turn mobile data on by tapping the top most item in Settings > Mobile networks. The following tricks may be of help.

Before that, try using the oFono Logger approach.

Trick 1

  1. Swipe to the Events view
  2. Tap on “Connect to Internet”
  3. Tap on the SIM icon (having the name of your mobile operator under it). If we are lucky, this would turn the light above mobile data icon on.

Trick 2

  1. Turn Flight Mode ON in Settings. Wait for a couple of minutes.
  2. Turn Flight Mode OFF.
  3. Try to turn mobile internet ON in Settings > Mobile networks.

Trick 3

Let’s use the developer mode - this help article explains how to enable and disable the Developer mode. Developer mode makes access deeper to Sailfish OS possible by allowing you to get the super-user rights (“root” rights). Also it installs the Terminal app to the device.

  1. Enable developer mode (if not enabled)
  2. Open Terminal app
  3. Give the following commands to reset your SIM-related settings (be sure to type the lines above exactly as they are):
systemctl stop ofono
rm -rf /var/lib/ofono/*

The last command makes your phone restart. Try enabling the mobile internet now.

In any case I tried all tricks, but they don’t work :pensive:

I tried, but from the terminal this package isn’t installed. It don’t find it

Containers was removed, but there’s leftovers, try to ‘pkcon remove lxc-templates’ and all the other packages that got installed while installing containers (or you can reinstall containers and try to pkcon remove it with --autoremove flag so pkcon removes all its dependencies, just make sure you have an up to date backup)