No audio after some time, have to reboot

I will have a keen look on Android, without Android use I didn’t happen again so far.
Next time I will systemctl-user restart pulseaudio as regular user first, if not successfull then with devel-su, root privilege to solve this without a reboot. I will report upon my next incident here. It would be good for me to continue using sailfish as primary device. I will keep you updated


But to address your specific problem they’d need a proper bug report from you, and/or the ability to reproduce it.

Where do I file a bug report?
Reproducing the issue is just installing Sailfish OS on an Xperia and using it for a while.

By any chance, did you try this:

I know, different symptoms…

is this not a “proper bug report”?

May I suggest to try to kill adsprpcd. May be it works and audio comes back, and gives us another data point…

No. that would mean that everybody experiences this, but it’s only you (and maybe a few other people). So the devs must find out why it happens to you specifically. And they cannot do this if you don’t give them enough additional data. Preferably such that others can reproduce the bug.

There’s tons of information on how to do this generally, and I’m certain there’s a write-up either right here on the forums somewhere, or in the docs (I could not find it there though).

Search for “bug report” or “troubleshooting information” etc., esp. on Linux-related sites.


The developers are aware of this, the bug has been discussed in several posts on this forum for over a year now.
This post was supposed to be the bug report.
It does not happen to me specifically, more than 10 other people have said on the forum that it happens to them.
Unless some Sony Xperia X iii phones are “special”, to make the bug happen you just have to freshly install Sailfish and use it for a while. If you are in Finland, go somewhere else. As I said before, during the 2 weeks I spent in Finland it never happened. It happens for sure in Amsterdam, Berlin, Spain and France. Using the phone in Portugal it happens several times every day, to the point that the p unusable.
Choosing to ignore this and still charging people for money is a bit sad.

I can donate my Sony Xperia X iii to Jolla if it helps find the bug.

For me this was completely solved after running the following changes:

Edit these two files, as root:
devel-su vim /etc/pulse/
devel-su vim /etc/pulse/

In both files comment out this line: “load-module module-suspend-on-idle timeout=1”

Then reboot.

update: This was working on 4.5 and still is on 4.6, btw! :blush:


Than the count is at eleven at least. That sure is nearly everyone. :wink:

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In Austria it happens for me too

I confirm the same behavior, after turning on the GPS for a certain time (I did not measure it), the sound stops working. The only way to fix this is to reboot the Xperia 10 III, (in Slovakia). This bug has been around since SFOS 4.4. Since then, I stopped using GPS, because it happened to me that I did not receive an important call because the phone did not ring.

EDIT: I’m using pure SFOS, no AppSupport

This would be really awesome

Have you managed to try it yet? I’m curious if other people can workaround it with the same fix, and if it solves it completely :smiling_face:

This is a known workaround. The downside is even more battery drain.

I will test it over the next days and report back

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With my Xperia 10 iii this no sound happens rarely, maybe once a week. In addition, I do not know how to provoke this no sound issue, so I see no other option than to wait and observe. I uncommented the lines today, and will report back here

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Unfortunately sound still disappears sometimes.

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Thanks for sharing, hopefully there will be a better workaround or even a proper fix some day… :smiling_face_with_tear: