Nextcloud integration hit/miss?

REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): 100%
HARDWARE (Jolla1, Tablet, XA2,…): Xperia 10 Plus
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): No


Nextcloud integration works poorly:

  1. I can sync pictures manually one by one
  2. Autosync of pictures will not happen
  3. System backup to Nextcloud fails with no intelligable error message. Not even in the /tmp/backup… file. And there is not even an attempt to access the Nexcloud server.
  4. Calendars are visible, but contains no entries



  1. Enter Nexcloud account
  2. Try to do a backup to Nexcloud or
  3. Take a picture and check if the picture is uploaded to Nextcloud




  • Nexcloud server 18.0.7
  • Selfsigned certificate and https only access

Is no one interested in auto uploading images? I have the exact same problem with similar settings on my XA2 Ultra.

I tried Ghostcloud with the extra pack to upload images automatically. It worked but it broke my sharing options in eg Gallery.

I also tried Owncloud Sailfish app but it won’t connect to my server.

Nextcloud integration is very promising - looking forward to it working properly.

Please don’t make me install the Nextcloud Android App. I want to avoid it.


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Auto uploading can be hacked together relatively easy using

  1. a aystemd .dir file to watch the Camera directory
  2. the owncloudcmd tool shipped with sailsync
  3. a wrapper script which handles password etc and remote location.

I have something like that working quite well running here.

Also, you can use the daemon from Ghostcloud but you have to delete the sharing plugin manually.

That is actually really helpful. Thanks!

I probably will not be able to do it, though. Sounds above my complexity level. I will take a look, though. The Ghostcloud solution I might be able to get through, though.

Question remains: Should this not be a built in feature in Nextcloud Sync in Sailfish OS?

I just got myself a certificate from let’s encrypt and with that the System backup feature seems to work. Weird as the other features work with the selfsigned cert… The rest of my points are still valid even with the “real” certificate. And I really expect Sailfish Nextcloud integration to be able to auto sync my pictures…

I’ve always had Let’s Encrypt on my NextCloud instance, but backup works really randomly – most of the time it doesn’t work (with no error messages), but every now and then it’ll work for a few days without me doing anything.

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same situation as @ender - Lets Encrypt and “random uploads”.

If i have a look in the backup folder the timestamp file ages are:
3, 8, 11,12, 15, 16 days. I did not start/stop it manually.
Setup is Daily, 03:00 wifi only - and i always have wifi at 03:00 in the morning.