After meeting the NewPipe devs at FOSDEM I got motivated to try to run the NewPipe code on Sailfish OS. I plan to write a daily dev diary about my progress, in case anyone would like to follow along.
As I mention in the preamble, Sailfish OS already has other good YouTube apps and I’m not trying to replace them. This is as much a tech experiment and project to keep myself busy as anything else. It could well end in failure!
I use the Pipepipe Android fork. The team seems to be most active.
The feature that allows audio only streams to be downloaded seperately is the most used for offline listening without video.
Hard to imagine, but in this excess bandwith era producers believe that video is the way to go even while it hardly ads value. It is the Youtube model that pushes them towards this.
Secondary usage scenario is indeed to download video’s with actually relevant graphic content to watch offline.
I don’t know any native Sailfish app that could replace Newpipe or Pipepipe for this.
Thank you for porting. I hope it can include same functionality for Rumble, Odysee,…
When I spoke to the NewPipe devs at FOSDEM they were frantically updating their code to get it to work again after changes made by YouTube, so I agree this is a concern. If the build pipeline is solid enough, I’m hoping Sailfish can be kept up-to-date with these upstream changes.
That’s helpful to know; thanks @n900n. Initially I’m just going to focus on getting something to work, but it’s really helpful to know what people actually use NewPipe or equivalent apps for. I’ll try to bear all this in mind.
Oh, I have no idea, but I’ve not read anything about NewPipe supporting either of these I’m afraid.
Try vodman from openrepos, it has a working youtube-dl somehow (yt-dlp is currently bot-blocked?), sadly seems 85% of files it downloads end up being webm and those have a tendency to hang when you want to seek through them on sfos (64bit), using the underlying youtube-dl with -f140 seems to download perfectly playable/seekable m4a’s so maybe an option in vodman to dl audio only would be a worthwhile issue/feature request for the audio only streams
Edit: and just to be clear it’s no replacement for a yt app, just for downloading seems to work really well, you need to get a yt url in your clipboard to use it, so use browser or other app to get there first