Nemo dir content given by FileBrowser is different from ls

i created a bin directory in $HOME in which i put some python scripts which i hope to daily use in the future
everything goes well with the following commands
cd $HOME/bin

when i try to open with Editor or TinyEdit i cannot see any folder named bin under nemo
i cannot see it either in FileBrowser

in fact the content of nemo given by ls is very different from the one shown in FileBrowser (many dir are not shown in FileBrowser)

what should i do ?

This is entirely as intended. Read up on SailJail. There are lots of threads about it.

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Uninstall File Browser and install from OpenRepos (Storeman). The version there doesn’t have restrictions

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i suspected a SailJail problem as running Editor or File<Browser from a qCommand does the job
any way to completely disable SailJail ?

as far as i know this is the one i have, version 3.2.1-1

Read any of the other threads instead of re-asking.

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i have read, i bet, almost all all of them and could not find an answer
at least one answer in my, poor, level of understanding
the trouble here is that some people, like me, are not experts but have been trying in the last ten years to use SFOS
many answers fly over their head

Hi @jeanpierrraubry, nice to see you’re using my app :). This is clearly a Sailjail issue. If you open File Browser and swipe from right to left three times, you will reach the “About” page. The version you should see there is “3.2.2 (OpenRepos)”, whereas you will probably see “3.2.2 (Harbour)”.

Try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it via Storeman, just as @WunderWungiel said. That should solve your issue.

@attah no need to be so dismissive!


thanks for helping a dumb guy like me (at least in this field) and providing us this very helpful app
unfortunately if
uninstalling from jolla store and
re installing from Storeman
does not seem to work
once i pull down down Install menu the small round icon at left of Installing keeps running round for ages
i have done that a few times in the past updates, with the same behavior

i just noticed a quicky disappearing warning “Could not find package”

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You could also download it directlx from openrepos.

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tahnks, from openrepos it works i had forgotten that way
@WunderWungiel @ichthyosaurus
thanks you for your valuable help
i will take your help for what it is!


The Editor from Jolla store has a similar problem. Is there a good alternative that will allow me to edit any file?

It’s really a pity that at some point in time Jolla decided to turn Sailfish from a general OS into a consumer device OS. IMHO that started when they decided to remove the options from the backup program (allowing only to back up either all or nothing).

Use @ichthyosaurus File Browser, it has a built in editor. Use the version from Storeman because this has no file access limits and enable developer mode on the device.
From the preview of text files, with pull down menu you come to an editor.

edit: but as I know no root mode :frowning:

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I’m glad your issue is solved :). You can click on “solved” to mark the thread as finished.

…or tap on the pencil icon :slight_smile:

Sure there is: Root Mode for File Browser v2+ | — Community Repository System


have a look at qCommand on OpenRepos
it is equivalent to running the app from a terminal while creating a desktop icon
thus it bypasses SailJail

this builtin editor is very good but has some limits for example it will not open a .py file which cannot be edited that way
then i uses Editor from qCommand

many thanks again!

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Tide in root@tide mode.


Maybe your py file isn’t recognized as text because all Python files that I checked could be edited. If you want, you can send me the problematic file and I’ll have a look.

But we’re getting way off topic, maybe it’s best to open a new thread for this conversation, and mark this one here as solved.

i cannot find how to mark it as solved
how can i send you this file?

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I have now installed them.

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You can click on “solution” below the post that answers your question. If someone else searches for the same issue, they will quickly see how to solve it :).

I’ll send you a direct message

I use Seabass. The only thing it lacks is Search/Replace but that should be in development.