Now I applied my list of tweaks on the Xperia 10, with a remarkable gain in speed even when quick clicking in a list of Youtube videos.
This is the list:
Browser Tweaks Summary
Settings are in about:config, some of the apz settings look promising, like apz.touch_start_tolerance.
Please give these settings a try and report back what values you prefer.
apz.axis_lock.breakout_angle 0.392699 → 0.4
apz.axis_lock.breakout_threshold 0.03125 → 0.03
apz.axis_lock.direct_pan_angle 1.0472 → 1.05
apz.axis_lock.lock_angle 0.523599 → 0.53
apz.content_response_timeout 150
apz.pinch_lock* (3 settings, all original 0.03125) 0.05
apz.touch_start_tolerance 0.1 and remove the f - edit: 0.04
browser.cache.memory.capacity 2048
general.smoothScroll off
general.smoothScroll.* partly on → all off
ui.click_hold_context_menus off
ui.click_hold_context_menus.delay 300 or 200
Here 2 settings where I found a ‘f’ at the end:
apz.fling_accel_base_mult 1.125f Has ‘f’ !!
apz.fling_stopped_threshold 0.13f
Next I’ll test what happens if I remove these two f’s, and will report.
edit: No noticeable difference to as it was before.
As said above, it speeds up the browser but unfortunately doesn’t prevent crashes. But I have the feeling they occur fewer now.
device.sensors.motion.enabled off
is another unnecessary thing to disable
And now, this is the last strange looking setting I found:
service.settings.last_etag “longNumber” (with quotation marks)
while all other variables there have no quotation marks. → removed them,
Browser runs like a charm now, user experience much smoother now, and I will report in a week if crashes still occur or not.
edit: Browser did crash again. (2023-05.02) edit: but only one time.
Testing now this (2023-05-06):
apz.drag.enabled on → off
apz.drag.initial.enabled on → off
apz.drag.touch.enabled on → off
apz.enlarge_displayport_when_clipped on → off
accessibility.accesskeycausesactivation on → off
accessibility.browsewithcaret on → off
accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled on → off
dom.vibrator.enabled on → off
dom.vr.oculus.enabled on → off (don’t have a oculus VR)
dom.vr.oculus.invisible.enabled on → off
dom.vr.poseprediction.enabled on → off
dom.vr.require-gesture on → off
edit 2023-05-13:
apz.autoscroll.enabled: off
apz.disable_for_scroll_linked_effects: on
edit: browser.cache.disk.max_entry_size: 4096 → 1024
I can’t imagine that a max. entry size of 4096 is good while the cache has only 1024 in size by default.
feedback is very welcome!