Music Explorer (from OpenRepos)

Yeah! Tested already. Pere Ubu, I believe I got with Pere … it’s more forgiving, indeed. And with settings preventing a new search on start it’s quite nice. Thanks!

Is there any way of accessing the tracker database either from QML or Python?
Would be nice to be able to play mp3 files without having to switch to the stock audio player.

I could not find any documentation on this yet.
Decided to implement loading media files directly from folders instead.
Seems to sometimes crash the app if the playlist gets too long and the user scrolls too fast but it’s probably better than nothing.

There is a DBus interface called org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files and defined at /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.xml.

I have not looked at it, but maybe it’s useful.

There are also the libqt5sparql, and libqt5sparql-tracker-direct plugins, with some examples here and quite ancient (remember MeeGo Harmattan? :wink: ) docs.

For python, there’s this but I don’t think the python package is available.

MusicPickerPage should list indexed audio files (or FilePickerPage with ‘nameFilters: [’*.mp3’]’ if you want only mp3s)

I’ve tried this picker before but it seemed a bit cumbersome to have to pick individual tracks displayed in random order from possibly thousands of tracks available.

I may try this one out, but knowing how the Jolla devs go out of their way to sabotage as many apps as possible this will probably not be allowed from within Sailjail.

Not true, there is the MediaIndexing SailJail permission which allows access to that bus. (It’s how I found out about it in the first place :wink: )

They show up listed alphabetically for me and the search on top also works on artist/album, then again my music collection is rather small so maybe it breaks with thousands

Thanks for that. So I wonder if we should create a list of dbus interfaces and corresponding Sailjail perms?


grep ^ /etc/sailjail/permissions/* | sort -u
grep ^ /etc/sailjail/permissions/* | sort -u
grep ^ /etc/sailjail/permissions/* | sort -u
grep ^ /etc/sailjail/permissions/* | sort -u
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I’ve preemptively set that permission in .desktop, we should see how this will work out. Does not format so well.

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I guess that’s some very low-level access. I think I’m giving up for now, there are some more pressing issues with this app than accessing the tracker.

  dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files --type=method_call --print-reply /org/freedesktop/Tracker3/Endpoint org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect
        <interface name="org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Endpoint">
        <method name="Query">
          <arg type="s" name="query" direction="in">
          <arg type="h" name="output_stream" direction="in">
          <arg type="a{sv}" name="arguments" direction="in">
          <arg type="as" name="result" direction="out">

@cypherpunks I’m just catching up for the github/chum (0.44 coming to chum) stuff and I had questions.

Have you considered the new WebView?
Should I set up automatic builds on github. It works well for tooter (uses coderus docker images).

And thanks for the great app!

I’ve added WebViewPage_4 and a macro + %post section to swap out the QTWebkit version …

Commits · poetaster/musicex · GitHub Last two commits.

I’m not entirely sure WebView is actually used by the app any more.
I think I’ve eventually settled for invoking Qt.openUrlExternally to open the videos inside the SFOS browser and I might have forgotten to remove the WebViewPage.qml file. I’m sorry if that created some unnecessary work for you.

Oh, no big deal. Led me down a rabbit hole in which I found a treasure :slight_smile:

If someone is looking for a new car, Mazda perfectly integrates with Music Explorer, including album art and everything :grinning:


the .46 upgrade to music explorer is now uptodate on my git hub ‘fork’. coming to chum and builds up at Release 0.46 · poetaster/musicex · GitHub

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