Mounting Samba/CIFS folder working?

I tried numerous variants. with ,_netdev,vers=1.0 0 0, I get
/usr/local/bin/mount.cifs: line 4: syntax error: unterminated quoted string

Also tried extra careful quoting. hmmm.

Hmmm. That error is typical of mount trying to mount a block device. I had been sure to modprobe and lsmod shows cifs but ā€¦

If youā€™re on 10III, then cifs is in the kernel

That was on a volla. havenā€™t tried the 10 ii yet. But I think Iā€™ll have to look at the build filesā€¦

[defaultuser@VollaPhone ~]$ devel-su lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
cifs                  385024  0
fmradio_drv           188416  0
gps_drv                53248  0
bt_drv                 24576  1
wlan_drv_gen2        1224704  0
wmt_chrdev_wifi        20480  1 wlan_drv_gen2
wmt_drv              1232896  6 wmt_chrdev_wifi,bt_drv,fmradio_drv,wlan_drv_gen2,gps_drv

can somebody raise the question on next meeting?

Has anybody gotten this to work yet? This is still one of the things I miss the most since switching to SFOS.

What works for me on both the 10 III and XA2 Ultra with for access to memory card in an old TPLink routerā€™s USB port (which only supports SMB v1.0 protocol) is

devel-su mount -t cifs -o username=username,password=password,vers=1.0 '//' /media/router


I, too, can confirm that now I have it working with vers=3 in my case!

Iā€™m glad that it works for you too :grinning:

Does not work for me unfortunately on the regular XA2 :frowning:
I also tried installing that really old cifs-utils package but now I keep getting permission denied

Please note that the '//' part is my individual path (and the way that the (sda1) part is added to it is unique to TPLink routers exposing the media connected to their USB port this way by adding it to their name). You need to substitute it with your own IP and path of the resource youā€™re trying to mount.

Edit: Oh, and obviously also the /media/router path is my custom one. By default there is no router folder in /media, so either create it or change this path to some folder that exists on your device.

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Yes I understand. Iā€™m trying to mount my own server (that also supports SMB v1.0) to the path media/TrueNAS that I created. With devel-su mount -t cifs -o username=redacted,password=redacted,vers=1.0 '//' /media/TrueNAS I get mount: /media/TrueNAS: cannot mount // read-only.

Does the /media/TrueNAS folder have the right permissions and ownership?