More Swedish translation errors. (Please don't close this thread)

I found another error in jolla-keyboard.ts. The translation of Text prediction (Textpredicering) isn’t really a Swedish word, so I suggestOrdförutsägelse’ which is original Swedish, or ‘Ordprediktion’ if you want to be more high-sounding English import.

ping @ljo

Nothing wrong with “predicering” from “predicera” = “förutsäga”, since “prediktion” = “förutsägelse”. But, I changed “ordpredicering” → “ordprediktion”. Not sure if I like it better.

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So why do you dislike Swedish so much? You constantly choose the recently imported English alternative before perfectly long time working Swedish originals. Why do you do that?
Are you ashamed of your mother tongue, or do you lack knowledge?
So I’m not trying to diss you, I’m just wondering why younger Swedes don’t want to preserve their mother tongue. The Swedish language, that is.

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And again… predicering is not a Swedish word, as I can find.

Are you drunk? I certainly just not pick the “recently imported alternative”. Your conclusions are just wrong. But to be explicit I am neither ashamed of my mother tongue nor lacking knowledge. You should know this if you have paid attention.

Not today…  

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I started with explaining that using derivative morphemes “avledningsmorfem” from a perfectly fine verb form “predicera” is a valid Swedish word as well.

But why do that, when there is a well known original Swedish word for it?

Partly because it is a technical term. But, like I wrote, I did follow your suggestion to use the generic “förutsägelse” to see if it works well enough.

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Thank You! And don’t take me wrong, I don’t want to fight with you. I’m just old enough to be concerned about my language.
There are more then enough youngsters that don’t learn good enough Swedish at all. So my concern is to not let SFOS become another ‘bad education’.
When I’m gone, It’ll be out of my hands, and you can do as you please, with no interfere. :wink:

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Some arguing what is the best alternative will increase vigility and keep us all young. :wink:


The word choices reflect the change of time, and are no expression of hate. I think you could argue that Ordförutsägelse is also just an adaption (or parallel development with) German Wortvorraussage. Now German is hardly influencing the development of Swedish anymore, and English took over. I like to stick with the old words, but language development progresses even without us. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve sad it before, adapting imported Swenglish words instead of already well functioning, genuinely Swedish words is not development. It is liquidation.
When we import new words, it should be because we don’t have a Swedish word.


I would say it is not as clear-cut as everything from Latin, Greek, Low-German, French, Swedish minority languages or English should be diminished to be “Swenglish”, e.g like I mention that this last one discussed is also a technical term. Believe it or not, but @eson also knows I certainly pick in that general order of nativeness if possible. This last week’s stance of always foreign – never native is mainly rhetorical. I review the style guide monthly to keep as straight as possible line.