Mobile data not getting IpV4 seems like have something to do with lxc android system

I’ve installed sailfishos on Xperia 1II which looks like it is ported directly from Xperia10iii version everything in the main system looks like works in a quite similar manner.

ipv4 getting with mobile data problem seems like not existing on this machine anymore until i got waydroid running on the system. When i have waydroid session started, i can run restart ofono and got ipv6 only, even if i do totally disabled ipv6 address in sysctl. When i stopped waydroid session and restarts ofono, everything just works fine.

i did check all the settinge in ofono and connman but didnt saw anything suspecious, hidl communication have some radio device registered, i tried make waydroid ignore those but seems like have not much of relationship, will invest more time on it.

Will do the same test again when i have 10iii in my hands with official version, seems like this is quite a common issue in these recent updates, hopefully this can help solve out the problem.

some background testing i did:

  1. Disable dnsmasq doesnt help.
    2.sysctl ipv6 fully disabled.
  2. Waydroid container freeze doesnt help
  3. Happens in both slot1/2
  4. Delete everything in ofono and restart service doesnt help.
  5. Dial works out immediately after waydroid session stop.
  6. Vintf disable radio service will make the main system cannot see the sim card anymore.
    8: dmesg doesnt have anything suspicious