Microtube - I need some opinions from users

No. Mostly it ordinary doesn’t work.

No it doesn’t, api key is only required if you want to like/dislike/import subscriptions

OK. the app description in Storeman is misleading then, imo.

testing now.

it’s not misleading, you just need to read it, nowhere it says it needs api key, it says it needs it if you want to like or import subscriptions

This is the full text:

This app is an alternative youtube client. You can watch videos and subscribe to channels. Subscriptions are offline.

If you have issues installing 3.0. Remove microtube, remove nodejs and then try again. You need nodejs18 package available in my repo.

Subscriptions can be imported. Import is in pulldown menu on subscriptions page. You need to be logged in to import subscriptions.

If you scroll left on main screen you will have access to categories. You can set default category in settings

Liking is only available if you log in.

Microtube is using https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube scope, make sure you have youtube data api as well as this scope enabled.

There’s no conditional, it just says “Microtube is using” and “make sure you have it”.

If that doesn’t amount to mandatory then yes, it’s misleading.

This is exactly the type of feedback you are asking for in this thread, I don’t think you should dismiss it with “you just need to read it”.


eh not really as i was talking about app not the page but i’ll update it

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The app is nice. I hardly need anything more than a search bar.

Once we know we need to swipe left and right there really is no mystery, but I have no idea what the categories are for. Nothing happens when i tap them, just takes me back to the search bar.

The app continues playing even when the screen is off, that’s cool. But it then reliably goes into an unresponsive state.

Out of curiosity, how does the app scrape youtube? what is the backend based on? Youtube-dl?

that’s a bug that will be fixed in upcoming release :slight_smile:

same as above

Answering my own question: microtube is based on minitube, which seems to be using its own scraping mechanism, not based on anything else, not using Google’s own API or requiring an API key. Quite the feat; I honestly thought youtube-dl (and forks) were the only ones doing this, and keeping it functional.

Not using the Google API is very important for me because a) I don’t plan on ever getting that API key, and b) there have been apps that had a private API key coded into them, which then just stopped working at some point.

Anyhow, great we cleared that up. Great app, so far.


no it’s not stop spreading lies.

it’s not another lie



Oh, and please make the download notification removable.

It’s confusing that anyone but J should make annoyingly nonremovable notification entries. :wink:


I heard it couple times already

The problem is I never made it non-removable

From /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/notifications/*qml I can see notificationitems can have a userRemovable property.
It’s not documented in the Nemo plugin however how this might be set.

Maybe it’s because it has a progressbar? Not sure.

I think it’s 100% because of the progressbar

It says right there on your github project (archive):

This app is an alternative youtube client based on minitube.

Why are you being so defensive about this? I asked you, you didn’t reply, so I did some research and tried to come up with a meaningful answer. If it’s wrong, wouldn’t you care to correct me instead of just repeating “not true”? You act like I’m deliberately lying - I’m not. Just trying to find out how your app works under the hud.

Accusing me of “spreading lies” is beyond problematic.

It’s hard to say thank you for your app if that’s how you treat people.


because it’s very very very very old and outdated.

because it’s false and there’s enough misinformation on the internet i don’t need more.

looking at google results is not research, if you went to github and saw js folder that would be plenty more and if you went into packages.json then hoo boi

I don’t care. Nobody is forcing you to use it or do anything.

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You committed yesterday. That’s not very old and outdated. And it says right there that it’s based on minitube. You are free to not update the header, I’m not criticizng that, but calling me a liar for repeating something that you yourself put there is disingenious, to put it mildly.

I didn’t commit to the github repo description did i

do you want to know what’s disingenuous? saying you did research and didn’t go beyond google results

You have a hard time admitting you were wrong, don’t you.

Anyhow, coming back to my original question:

Behind the scenes, microtube uses version 4.11.4-patch.2 of khlevon’s fork of node-ytdl-core for downloading and searching youtube videos.

You could’ve just told us…

BTW, vestiges of minitube can also be found in vendor/vendor.pri.

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