microG signature spoofing stopped working

Until yesterday microG singature spoofing worked fine on my Xperia 10 III, Sailfish OS Today, without any change of configuration it no longer works. Self check shows (in German):

When searching for a solution, I found
but on my phone the file /usr/sbin/alien-generate-properties.sh does not exist.

Any ideas what may be the problem?

Maybe you accidentally unchecked the signature spoofing button under Prefs → Android App Support? (I did it many times.)


That’s not the solution. I checked the settings, all okay. And the self check shows that signature spoofing is authorized (in Screenshot 2nd line “Berechtigung zur Signaturtäuschung erteilt”)

Perhaps is ‘signature verification unchecked’ in AAS settings?
This happened to me once, leading to unable signature spoofing.

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That was it. And jameson in his reply probably meant the same, but i did not see the connection to the german text of that button on my mobile.

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