Memory collapse on starting Browser even with 1 tab

REPRODUCIBILITY: 100% (always)
HARDWARE: Xperia XA2 - Dual SIM - h4113 - h4113 - - armv7hl
UI LANGUAGE: English (UK) (user: en_GB, os: en_GB.utf8)
REGRESSION: yes (since: - arm)


Since Browser start to eat memory significantly huge. Only 1 simple tab with simple page eats 300-600 Mb of memory! 600, omg. On XA2 this causes all other working apps to close at background. Thats very bad. Need to restart every time Fernschreiber or another messenger, get offline, skip important messages.




  1. Start Browser
  2. Open a page. Simple searcher page, usual market page.
  3. Look at memory that eat Browser.
  4. All other background apps got stopped. Swap is full, memory full.


At least 100-300 mb of memory per 1 page in Browser.



  • Patchmanager: yes
  • OpenRepos: yes
  • Chum: yes
  • Other: none specified


Device Owner User: defaultuser
Home Encryption: enabled

the initial version of this bug report was created using Bugger 0.9.15+git1
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Same here (X10iii, sfos
One tab in browser, 500MB RAM gone.

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Just tried to open most popular online market site in Sailfish Browser on my device XA2 with 2 Gb of ram.

1,1 Gb, omg!! Same memory eating on device with Aurora OS 5 with 4 Gb ram.

May be the site of market, that i open in 1 tab, is sooo bad, worse coded, many java-scripts, fonts, ads, etc… Let’s do next step. Open same site in AppSupport’s Yandex.lite Browser (4mb only). Do same steps - login, open cabinet, go to search page. Looking to memory eating. With sum of webview and metrica process - 420 mb only. Free ram - 700 mb. (As Crest app shows).

On Sailfish Browser with 1 tab free ram was 200 mb.

I would say:

Even newest Android-Firefox eats 337MB without any TAB open:

Companys/Bad Designers destroy the Internet…maybe with purpose…

This has been a problem without a solution for many years on SFOS. Even on my 6Gb Xperia10 iii using the native web browser for any, even slightly complicated, site, or any app that uses webview, will result in all other open apps being killed by the OOM killer and having to be restarted once the browser has been closed. Several people have tried to tune the OOM killer parameters to try and improve things with limited success.

I am not sure I understand why this happens myself, as when my apps get killed Crest shows there is actually still nearly 2Gb of free RAM.

opera beta (app support) with 5 tabs eat 600mb