I am using Sailfish Application SDK, and my project uses three .pro files: one “meta” project, which has two project files, which produce two binaries respectively. Whenever I compile the project, I get lines like these, ten or so:
File '/home/user/path/build-harbour-batterybuddy-SailfishOS_3_3_0_16_i486_in_Sailfish_OS_Build_Engine-Release/Makefile' has modification time 124 s in the future
File 'Makefile' has modification time 125 s in the future
Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
Deleting the build directories or cleaning the build beforehand don’t help, the messages appears always. The build works fine, but the messages get annoying quite fast. Any idea how to get rid of them?
I am using VirtualBox VM for compiling, I should add.