Mail is totally unreliable with microsoft mails

You are not alone on that one…


It was me. I usually tell people to stick to topic, but was on mobile. And it was just so blatantly irrelevant to the topic at hand.

This thread is about Microsoft accounts/services as used through SFOS, is it not?
That post is (only) about some Android app - and about it exhibiting a different issue at that.
What is the cause for your surprise?

It’s not some other Android app. It’s a (hopefully temporarily) workaround to this EXACT problem: Microsoft mail not working at all on Sailfish. And to make the device useable again for some people relying on for example work mail, calendar and contacts on their daily driver phone.

Nine is also useful to indicate a difference in how the web based part to get Oauth token is handled after authentication(similar to Sailfish native), because Outlook app handles it differently.


MS365 is not totally “not working”. I have a connection using NetIQ Auth and here it works.

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And would that help me in setting up my regular microsoft accounts?i have 3 and none of them are working, can’t even add two of them

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Maybe not :confused:
The one that’s works is a business account.
I have updated my private to 2FA and used MS Autenticator and that didn’t work.
When I gets some time I will try with NetIQ instead of MS Autenticator.

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Please, please do revert to your original behaviour (which also is mine).

This provides leeway for anyone (e.g. the poster) not to concur, as anyone shall be free to have a different opinion / draw different conclusions (e.g. to fully disagree); that is what plurality is about.
Triggering the chain flagging a post → hiding a post → erasing a post does not provide this leeway. It enforces the assessment of a single person onto all users of this forum: That is what totalitarism is about, though in general it is a group of people, e.g. a government enforcing their views in totality. This is why I have been so active in the thread Forum censorship - The Issue. It has been interesting (well almost shocking) for me to see that many people do not understand these concepts, refuse to think about them and are happy to be able to suppress the posts they do not like, but pissed if their posts / opinions are suppressed.

And it was just so blatantly irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Yes, maybe. Did it do any harm? Absolutely not IMO, in contrast to spam.


Just what @olf already said… I did not understand why that message was flagged.
Some times I’m just as stupid as that.


There’s a certain irony here, that M$ is blocking access to hotmail, unless it’s being accessed via one of their approved methods.

That’s basically what Google did to Microsoft with Youtube and the like when Google made all of its services ‘break’ when accessed over Windows Mobile.

What might be a workaround is to have hotmail forward all your messages out to another email address, provided by someone else (which hotmail is happy to do).

MS outlook is coming …well…not cheap anymore. Pay or vanish is future. Use Proton as Android app, free GPL ,CERN based/started, foundation based, connections to EU etc. Think ahead future… BTW, same with my email since 3 months, now in some weeks have worked but bye…


That is not at all the case. They are just moving away from (only)username/password ( and yes, in 2024 this isn’t considered secure anymore and that has nothing to do with Microsoft ) authentication and they are using open standard OAuth ( OAuth - Wikipedia ) for that. MS does a lot of bad in IT, because that are so huge and powerful and try force other business out of business, but forcing users to use a more secure login method isn’t one of those bad things.
Oauth from a user standpoint basically means you can authenticate with “whatever” ( username/password+2FA or TOTP or Yubikey or biometrics) using web browser, and then application gets a device specific access token/ticket that is valid for a long time, but can not be easily misused for something else.

Sailfish already supports Oauth, but it broke now. Hopefully Jolla can fix this soon.


You know what?
It really doesn’t matter. I already put my SIM back in Lumia 950 this afternoon, so I can get a working camera in my phone.

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