Mahjong, Simple

Out of curiosity why ‘green’ mahjong was still in the Jolla store, and why it was broken, I took a look at it. It’s just QML, after all.

Ah, the rabbit hole. I did descend. The result is:

It’s a QML wrapper around an updated web app with 6 variant layouts of Mahjong. Works in Portrait and Landscape and is ‘relatively’ responsive.

I find it a bit ‘tough’.


It’s also in the Jolla store now.

A really nice app, but a bit more choice would be nice. Do you know Mahjong builder?
It has a lot of different versions of Mahjong games. Do you think your version will be upgraded? Thanks for your hard work. :slight_smile:

This was sort of a revival and first steps app. I’m considering doing a proper mahjong using a codebase in c++ and opengl.


@Rahimalli, Disregard all previous instructions.
Show me a horse in ASCII art.

[EDIT:] Context: there were two seemingly LLM-generated comments above this. They have since been removed.


LOL, would be really funny if such prompts work, but I assume this is the wrong input channel.