well it is both qml, c++
i try to get tasklist running and have issues with localization of the tasklist.
first of all:
in pro file ibuse: sailfishapp_i18n
tasklist uses: CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n_idbased
what is the difference between those two ?
in the docs i did find this:
In your main .pro file, add
CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n
If you use id based translations also add:
CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n_idbased
does that mean i need both statements ?
i use
TRANSLATIONS += which converts ts files to qm and deploys them too
tasklist does:
localization.files = translations/*
localization.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET}/localization
INSTALLS += localization
this actually does deploy them but not convert them. so it seems a build step is missing here, that would do the conversion
I do use qsTr and tasklist does use qsTrId but imho the only difference is here the ts file. whether the key as an id or the english or technical english so to say.
so i did hope that just by get the deployment fixed, translation would work.
well it does not.
cause finally:
Tasklist is creating its own translator
defaultTranslator.load(“en_US”, SailfishApp::pathTo(QString(“localization”)).toLocalFile());
a lot of qmake, make and rpm mystery here