[localisation] Translation round 2

Hello again dear language fellows!

We are starting round 2 for the next Sailfish OS release.

It has around 185 strings to be translated depending on a language. The deadline for this round is Monday the 14th of December (we’ve just extended it by a week).

A kind reminder:

  • Always use “English (United Kingdom)” as the source for your translations please, not Engineering English. Some translations are still doing it the wrong way.
  • Please try to check old terms used, to keep consistency: e.g. if unsure how to translate the word “device”, put the word in the Search box to see how it has been previously translated into your language.
  • The same goes for language style (e.g. how to address the user).
  • Feel free to keep improving any old translations.
  • Finally, please note if there is a comment on a string to e.g. keep the translation short or some other guidance (via the “Content instructions” meta-language).

Without further ado, head to https://translate.sailfishos.org and follow the topmost link for Getting started if you’re there for the first time :slight_smile:

If you have any questions, please post them under the Localisation section.

Thank you & regards,
Jarkko & sledges


Please post questions to the Localisation section.

Thank you for those who translated, your work will invaluably land on all devices!

We are extending the current round with 17 new strings, the deadline is the next Monday 21st December.

Some strings changed slightly and overwrote your work so far, this is the backup of your work to the rescue:

Please watch this thread in case we have more new strings coming up:)


Due to requirement changes we’re extending this translation round with 26 new strings.

The deadline is the next Wednesday 20th January.

One string changed slightly and overwrote your work so far, this is the backup of your work to the rescue:

Please watch this thread in case of addition of more strings if any (or announcement of the final end of this round).