Latest SDK and python issues?

Rebuilding with latest SDK works until deployment:
Please confirm installation on device.
harbour-neliapila: nothing provides python3.8dist(cryptography) >= 2.8 needed by python3-openssl-19.1.0+git1-1.1.1.jolla.i486 (code: 13)
Installation failed

I get the same result trying to install python3-openssl, so suspect this is a bug. I’ve created an internal bug report about it.

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The bad news:
The python3-openssl package in our repos is indeed broken.
The good news:
harbour-neliapila does not really require the package, as it bundles it’s own version of pyopenssl.
If you add this line to harbour-neliapila.spec, the package will be built without the dependency:
%define __requires_exclude python3dist.pyopenssl

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btw. I’m moving this to the more appropriate “Applications/Others” category.

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