REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): 100%
BUILD ID = OS VERSION (Settings > About product):
HARDWARE (Jolla1, Tablet, XA2,…): XA2 Plus dual SIm (H4113)
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): Yes
I created a xmpp account in settings > accounts but I could not get it online in settings > presence so I remove the account in settings > accounts. However, the account still appears in settings > presence
I 've rebooted the phone but no change.
Create xmpp account in settings > accounts
Try to go online in settings > presence
Delete xmpp accounts in settings > accounts
The account should no longer appear in settings > presence
The account still appears in settings > presence
(Please ALWAYS attach relevant data such as logs, screenshots, etc…)
thank you for trying to fix this.
i also do experience an issue.
i see the contacts online/away in the address book, but i cannot set the presence to something other than offline, and my messages aren’t getting delivered, and i never receive xmpp messages.
this happened after upgrade to sailfish 4. i also tried to remove the xmpp account and add again, that did not help.
i remember i was getting errors about ‘unsupported protocol’ in my server’s log. just looked in the log again, and see those:
Feb 28 03:19:12 c2s40d4e950 debug Sending[c2s_unauthed]:
Feb 28 03:19:12 socket debug server.lua: we need to do tls, but delaying unti
l send buffer empty
Feb 28 03:19:12 c2s40d4e950 debug TLS negotiation started for c2s_unauthed
Feb 28 03:19:12 socket debug server.lua: attempting to start tls on tcp{clien
t}: 0x401f5378
Feb 28 03:19:13 socket debug server.lua: ssl handshake error: unsupported protocol
Feb 28 03:19:13 c2s40d4e950 info Client disconnected: ssl handshake error: unsupported protocol
Feb 28 03:19:13 c2s40d4e950 debug Destroying session for (unknown) ((unknown) ssl handshake error: unsupported protocol
Feb 28 03:19:13 socket debug server.lua: closed client handler and removed socket from list
right now the presence section doesn’t list any account to make it online, though i have the xmpp account enabled in the settings. don’t know why that would be.
so thank you for dealing with this, i also need internal xmpp client that is integrated with address book.
You can try to install ‘telepathy-gabble-plus’ form openrepos. It works.
However, I was not able to delete accounts created before the installation of telepathy-gabble-plus and so in the presence I’ve got two accounts with the same name, one working the other not.