Just bought an Xperia 10V. Android or Sailfish?

As above. If I wanted a cheap Android phone I could have paid one-third as much, but I paid €330 including VAT and duty to get a year-old Xperia 10V from the UK on eBay which was delivered last week.

I tried it out on Android with a fake account and it’s a really nice phone, hardware wise.

So if I end up using it with Android I’ve done a very silly and expensive thing. But I’m fed up with how useless the Sailfish browser is. I’m going on holiday shortly - I’ll need to bring my work iPhone because it runs my banking app, Sailfish doesn’t (and no rooted phone does either).

There are many things I know would drive me up the wall with Android as a daily driver - iOS does too - regardless of the massive invasion of privacy aspects. Both of their UIs are completely crap.

I’ve been on board since 2015, two Jolla One phones and then my Xperia 10 whose battery is now dying. I hate the thought of being absorbed into the Google borg but I’m also being fed up of telling my wife / other people that “that doesn’t work on my phone”.

Especially when I’ve paid over 300 euro for a secondhand phone!

I can’t even put a developer version of Sailfish on it, I thought test images would be available when the annoucement was made on Jolla Love Day 2, but apparently not.

You cam read recent news about that here.

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@tux_in_IE If I were you I would flash the X10-V with SFOS - it’s worth and one of the few models where SFOS runs on, AND also order a new battery for the old X10 and renew it. I did so and my dealer told me that the X10 battery is still available as spare part and will arrive in 6 weeks. So I’ll restore my old X10’s. For the banking app (2FA-app) maybe buy a 100 euro phone extra. I would do so. Only my few cents and personal opinion.


Perhaps the banking app works with MicroG installed?

The atrocious and, in my opinion in it’s current state, useless stock browser, I’m working around by using Firefox via Android (F-Droid); or rather first Fennec and now Mull
With some nice and nowadays necessary addons it’s a breeze browsing now :smiling_face:

Oh if it wasn’t clear from my message: I’m voting for SFOS

I had LineageOS without MicroG before, and whilst everything worked, it was boring, the UI is poor, and I don’t love it. SFOS might not be perfect, but I love it :heart_eyes:


The mandatory 2FA authentication app for Internet banking access + transactions should work without any G**gle replacement, and doing all banking on one phone is high-risk and unadvisable. But also for banking on computer, the 2FA authentication is needed.

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Well I’d be crazy not to put SFOS on it, given the financial commitment! SFOS has been my daily driver since 2015, but there are pain points with the crashy browser and, obviously, banking, which needs either iOS or a non-rooted Android.

Not sure about a replacement battery for the Xperia 10 I. It’s a good phone and I love the aspect ratio but processor is very slow by modern standards and when I was looking at replacement batteries last year they all seemed very suspect and I’d have to pay someone to do the replacement, so overall it’d cost much more than the phone is worth.

I have a work iPhone which I use for my bank and Revolut, but it’s a pita to have to bring my work phone with me on holiday just so I can approve transactions.

That’s the crazy thing. I make a transaction on Firefox on Linux on my laptop, then I have to confirm it on an iOS (or Android) phone. That’s less secure not more secure, but c’est la vie.

The purpose is to make a confirmation from a second device that you must have - in other words transaction can’t be made with only one device.

A transaction can be made with only one device if that device is an Android or iOS phone…

Yes that’s possible but not recommended for safety reasons.
Therefore better never do banking on the phone but do banking on computer and use phone only for the 2FA app.

My previous bank had a great system, you could use any browser or device you liked, but authentication was via a credit card sized one-time pad. Very secure. But a few years ago that bank pulled out of Ireland and the online offerings of all the other banks are crap and/or Linux hostile.

Can we already install the newest SFOS in Xperia 10V ? Jolla shop does not list it yet.

ps- Sorry for cross-posting. I’ve asked the “same” thing practically at Confused about Sony Xperia 10 V - #16 by NikosAlexandris.

It seems that you answered yourself. For more info search this forum.

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