Jolla tablet (refunds) - updates?

Just a few hours after my last posting, i got an email from Jolla Support with a new link for the refund tool.
Got the voucher and bought a Sailfish X license for Xperia 10 ii.
Found no spare time yet to prepare the Xperia 10 ii and flash Sailfish. Hopefully i will during my summer holidays…


Had got the new link too. Moreover, I had bought two licenses for XA2 and Xperia10_ii. Finally I had got the rest on my PayPal account.

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Just FYI but on Sunday I emailed support to be reminded of the link to the refund tool.

I originally had received a PayPal refund of 50% of what I pledged and have been using the remaining balance for some time since then to get Sailfish X licences. First for an XA2, then for an Xperia 10 Plus and most recently for an Xperia 10ii.

Support replied with the link on Monday and thinking I may get an Xperia 10iii I used the link they sent me to get another license leaving a balance of $29.21 on my account.

Imagine my surprise when today I get an email from Paypal saying that Jolla Asia Limited has sent you $29.21!!!

It’s taken a while but I have received value for all I pledged. Thank you Jolla!

Maybe things are beginning to move on refunds again.


I’ll believe it when I see an email from Paypal too. Meanwhile, I think the pigs are fuelled and approaching the runway.

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Doesn’t seem like it, questions on original blog post are in review-limbo and probably anyone who don’t want voucher is not going to get their money back.
But now they prob. utilize same technique tan ticketmaster when multiple times moved concert gets cancelled “we cannot track payments back this long perioid of time, if you really need refund you should have call our (charged) support number on day when there is snowing on sahara and same time hot weather on antarctis”
I have no faith to get my refund anymore, but way that communications around topic have handled are poor at best.

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I am drunk, so please appologize.
But, how many years is this back now ?
7, 10?
I do not recall

I’ve lost some money too.
Just learn to let go

Is helpfull in lot of occasions.
Just let it goooooo

The world is in complete shit, your 500 bucks are now worth 300

I could go on like this forever, cause i m drunk.

Accept it, your money is gone, you are alive, be happy.

Thank you


From children and drunkards, you are told the truth.
Old Swedish? proverb.


…and Leggings. They also speak the truth.