(Jolla Media Player) Default media player has same cover for different albums

REPRODUCIBILITY: 100% (always)
HARDWARE: Sony Xperia XA2 - h3113 - h3113 - - armv7hl
UI LANGUAGE: Italiano (user: it_IT, os: it_IT.utf8)
REGRESSION: not specified


Sometime it happens that despite the cover is set right, same cover is shown for multple albums, and that is very tedious


Some records are needed


  1. Put some songs into the phone
  2. Open the default media player
  3. See different albums having the same cover


Having the right cover for the right album


Cover is the same for different records


  • Patchmanager: no
  • OpenRepos: yes
  • Chum: yes
  • Other: none specified


All files are my own, legally bought on bandcamp so tags are correctly set and this is the only player where it happens as on unplayer and on pc everything is set right
Device Owner User: defaultuser
Home Encryption: enabled

the initial version of this bug report was created using Bugger 0.9.10+git1

Have you checked album values of media metadata for the affected files?

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Of course i have, they are different, and as stated the default media player is the only one doing that…

You shall provide more detailed info to let other people help you. Fe. what is lacking is the naming scheme or tree pattern you use to organize your files and naming convention of your album covers.

I also heavily use the default media player, and I observe no such problem. Here is my tree pattern:

  • Author
    ** Album name
    *** music files.(mp3 | ogg …)
    *** ${album name}.(png | jpg …)
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There are no names convention (i guess?)

I mean, to give an example:

One record is called “just drive (part 1)” and another record is called “just drive (part 2)”

They are in separate folders and of course part one and two are part of the title so it’s correctly set on the album tag

The cover is actually embedded into the files so no cover/art/coverart dot jpg/png or so, and of course is the right one for each album

Still they have the same cover, in this case the one from part 1

I bought those files from bandcamp, so didn’t tag anything, they were already tagged by the label/artist

Now, i had a similar problem with similar files (same bandcamp with same label, different artist) where i was having double entries for the same record

Couldn’t find the culprit, then discovered 3 files on the record had a comment, the others a description, so the default jolla media player was treating them as a separate records

It’s quite absurd if you consider no other player is doing this but ok, it may be since there was a different tag (althought album and artist were exactly the same)

But now the cover is embedded, and it’s a different cover so i don’t think it has something to do with my tags?

Maybe tracker (or some higher layer) discards what’s in parenthesis and causes a collision.
None of my media have important stuff in parenthesis.

Try tracker3 info on files in both albums and see what it thinks about them.
(Though i can’t get that to display anything for files on the SD card, even though they are indexed just fine).

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So, i have modified the tag for a single file, removing the (), and the default media player created another entry with the correct album cover

This may prove tracker does not like () but unfortunately it does happen on other files too, with completely different album names, and no special characters at all so i’m not really sure this is the culprit (not entirely anyway)

Had a look on gnome-music which uses tracker3 too

Just drive has the same exact problem, so now we know is an ellipsis thing (althought i don’t know why create another entry, release date maybe?)
But i do not have problems with the other record (the one in the first screenshot) so it must be something jolla’s side, i guess…

Althought i need to say that i have tons of other problems with gnome-music all due to tracker probably…

Digging this a bit. It’s not tracker which cares about parenthesis but libmediaart and the gnome media art storage spec it’s using. DraftSpecs/MediaArtStorageSpec - GNOME Wiki!

Basically it strips content between (), among other mutilation to the titles.

Probably best if some day the whole libmediaart is replaced by a custom solution. It’s not really even doing much more than making some heuristics on what could be a cover file and providing saving mechanism for externally fetched (=embedded) cover art.