Jolla C2 with situations app and situations-daemon

I tried to activate Situations app on my C2 but it keeps trying to install the background service called situations-daemon and never finished.
I guess we need a compatible version for SFOS 5.x ?

Did anybody solve it? Or is it really a development issue?


I could install the daemon, but as soon as i start the app and allow to run in the background, the app immediately closes…

When starting from the terminal i got this errors:

[defaultuser@S19mps ~]$ harbour-situations2application 
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found
library "" not found

I experienced the same like you, but after some restarts it seems to work.

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On the Jolla C2 it worked after some reboots, this is correct, but still keep crashing. On Xperia 10 III it installs, installs the daemon and after the app restart it tries to install the daemon again… Loop

I did not need to reboot; I just restarted the Situations-GUI a few times, and then it worked without any problems. I installed it from Jolla-Store, maybe that is the difference?

I installed also from the store, i think there is the latest available version for SailfishOS.

Having the latest one on C2 (3.3.287), works without issues except for ambiences (applied changes to ambiences are not picked up by the App…instead it uses only the original ones)

I find out, that the calendar function bring the new daemon in the app to the crash. I switched off the automatic and delete the calendar pugin from all profiles and now it works on my sony 10II with 4.6. Also the mobile network on/off function not longer work. I contacted the developer from Pastilli Labs and he will fix all this after the big android update. Here we can download some older versions.