I could install the daemon, but as soon as i start the app and allow to run in the background, the app immediately closes…
When starting from the terminal i got this errors:
[defaultuser@S19mps ~]$ harbour-situations2application
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libutils.so" not found
library "libdmabufheap.so" not found
library "libbase.so" not found
library "libz.so" not found
library "libcutils.so" not found
library "android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so" not found
library "libgralloctypes.so" not found
library "libhidlbase.so" not found
library "libhardware.so" not found
library "libc++.so" not found
library "libion.so" not found