Jolla C2 support days at Berlin

We had good conversations in a nice atmosphere
and great that Sami and Raine came to Berlin to support us. :+1:


Ditto from me. It was nice to hang and chat even if I didn’t need c2 support :slight_smile:


Very nice, I wish I could have come there myself… maybe another time.
Great effort from all which shows the great community character we have here in the Sailfish community.

A real reason to stay with this eco-system :slight_smile:


I want battery for Jolla 1 and Jolla C.

will put you on the list for the lottery


I also thought it was great that Sami and Raine were there and flashed all C2 users’ phones and even set up a 10GB root partition for everyone. It was a great atmosphere and I loved how much information we got from Sami and Reiner, but also from the community members. It was also super cool that they brought us some merchandising. I would love to be back at the next meeting if I can make it.


Can I also be considered for the JC battery, please?

yes. Put you on the list, also

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I can actually donate myself, one unused battery for the JP1. :slightly_smiling_face:
Pirate, but fully working, as I’m using one of them myself.

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Great to see you had an effective meetup.
Love the dedication :slightly_smiling_face:

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Und noch ein Paar Fotos, von den Kollegen!
And some more pics from collegues!


I like the T-shirt with “Jolla”. Would be nice to be able to buy some.


We had exact this discussion, why Jolla doesn’t sell merchandize items.
The Problem is, that it would costs much more to pack the Sticker /T-Shirt and send it, than they would get as income. They all are engineers, so they don’t have somebody who will make the whole logistics…
The only way to get the Jolla T-Shirt is to come to a Jolla MeetUp


This is understandable. But if Jolla would simply publish Hi-resolution image files of both sides of the T-shirt, everyone who wants could download the files and go to a shop that prints images on T-shirts. It could be so simple…


there is enough Hi-Res Jolla Logos on the Web. Jolla has no resources for that. Someone need to sit down, publish the logos, make a forum post etc.

They all work on the SailfishOS, and this is imho good so…

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then, where’s the problem?

I understand this, but the work for unpacking and repacking the returned C2 phones could be the experience that they need “to pack the Sticker /T-Shirt and send it” :slight_smile: Fun aside, in the tech companies where such merchandise is sold, usually are not the engineers that are doing this job, you know? Do you think at Tesla is the Elon and his guys that are packing and shipping the T-Shirts?

Well, to greatly simplify the logistics, Jolla could create an account on one of those custom merchandise websites, like, upload a couple of designs, add whichever price markup they want, and then people can order directly from that website and the profits will go directly to Jolla, without Jolla ever needing to handle the merchandise themselves.

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But someone need to do this work. You cant do anything. Better, they concentrate on SailfishOS. I can survive without Stickers and T-Shirts (i have many Jolla T-Shirts and Stickers, but i would trade it for bugfixes) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Jolla has no money for someone who will pack stickers and T-Shirts. It will simply cost much more than the income. When you are an Engineering company - do engineering.

And i know only small StartUps with 1-5 ppl who send t-shirts or very big companies like Red Hat.