Jolla C2 support days at Berlin

I will attend, even though ny C2 works just fine.

Any chance to obtain case+ screen protector, had no choice to do so during final payment?

Indeed - would be great!

By any chance, do you still have some spare parts for the tablet?

what do you need? i have some

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Guys - all who will join the Jolla C2 Reflash Party in Berlin on 14.11.2024 - please use the poll for counting the amount of people.

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I talked to @rainemak and he think, sending the devices to me to Berlin would be valid option.
Very important:
The devices need to be sent on Monday or at least Tuesday, so they arrive before Thursday 14.11.2024.

If you send them to me please write your Name, Address, Jolla account name, Order ID and Zendesk Request Number.

Update your Zendesk Request with the information, that you send the device to me for the Reflash on Thursday. Add the Tracking Number to the Zendesk Request.

I want avoid, that information will be missing and Jolla guys have problems to find it.
So lets do it the :de: way :sweat_smile:

Contact me via PM - i will give you my private address.
@PatsJolla and others who want to do it - just contact me.


Hi @rainemak. Please let us know officially where and when we will meet on Thursday. Thank you very much.

My anouncment in the 2nd post isn’t good enough for you? :smiley:


Ok. Thank you for your hint. I will be there.


18:00. wILL BE tHere.


It might turn out as our Berlin community meeting 2024 …
Looking forward to meeting you


i reserved max. 15 seats! :wink:

Looking forward to see all you, Berlin nerds!


Ich kann auch stehen - das Treffen ist es mir allemal wert.

Just successfully updated the C2 to - so you (I mean all of you) are the only reason for me to show up.


It could be a very bussy evening (even for lucky ones like me) because getting a 10G root partion requires reflashing (even of running devices), see [Release notes] Tampella for Jolla C2

O.k. I will stay patient (so don’t worry, sailors)


Still around Geneva ? Anyone cares for a meeting at some point ?


Sure I’m still around. Let’s do it.


Can someone share a few sentances about the meeting?

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A big THANK YOU to Sami and Raine for visiting Berlin to flash some C2 - and, as a side effect, initiating a small community meeting.

Thank you, @explit for having organized the meeting - it was a great meeting


It was more or less small Meeting. 15 ppl planned, we were 8 in the End. @rainemak had a lot to do, even the guys with the working C2s wanted to reflash their phones to get a bigger root partition… :slight_smile:

I brought a cake, which was made by my daughter, and looked like an Jolla 1, so i was not forced to eat another phone. (Thanks for the idea, @fingus )

Thanks again @Jolla @spienima @rainemak for coming to Berlin!
You made me and others very happy with a working C2!

I got some batteries, which i can share.
2x Jolla 1
1x Jolla C

As i know, there is much demand on Jolla C batteries, so i want to make something like a lottery,
so we choose a random person and its fair.
Please let me know, when you need one.

The both pictures are bad quality, sorry,
i hope that @spienima and @rainemak will share better pictures.


Nice, the Smartphone-Cake!!

Thank you for the Photos and sharing! @explit