Jolla C2 no ssh

I started Jolla C2 without problems and activated developer mode, but I can’t connect defaultuser@

I don’t any in Jolla C2 “ip a”

What am I missing?

How do you connect to your pc? Wifi or USB cable? is for USB câble

I think you should put a link of this topic in Feedback of C2.

I connect with USB-cable.
Can somebody connect with USB-cable?

You could try as root.
As usual, of course at your own risk if by a bad manipulation you ruin it.
Be specially careful as at the moment, C2 cannot be re flashed at home.

  1. Define a password in the Setting Developer mode page.
  2. Open the terminal on the phone
  3. Type devel-su + password
  4. (I don’t remember if this is needed:) passwd root + enter a root password
  5. Copy a backup version of it, then edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  6. Change the line containing PermitRootLogin to PermitRootLogin yes
  7. Save
  8. Restart the sshd service or reboot the phone

Then you can try to connect as root.
Be careful as this is potentially dangerous, as it opens a way to connect from the outside as root.
Revert to the original /etc/ssh/sshd_config when your tests are done.

SSH over USB works fine for me - but why not just use WiFi?

Have you enabled remote access in the developer settings?

When you connect the cable, does the phone ask which USB mode to use (developper, mtp, charge only)?

Can confirm SSH over USB works for me on the C2.

One more relevant setting is Settings | USB | Default USB mode. Check that this is set to Always ask.

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The phone offered only “mtp” and “charge only”, but after one more reboot I got also “developer mode”. Probably reboot is needed after “Developer mode” activation.
I wanted to make a backup image before I type wifi password into the phone. That’s why I wanted to connect with USB-cable first.