Jolla C2 Community Phone: your feedback is needed!

The security code is asked TWO TIMES while booting; the first screen (all black background) is VERY laggy giving it. Then going forward; another screen (with chosen background pic on the back this time) - it is asked again.

WHY 2 times?

It makes a question come to mind - is the OS (or something else) running MULTIPLE times on the phone? Because everything is very laggy. It is very confusing to say the least. Then; even browsing Jolla Store hangs the phone for even 30 seconds or more (F-Droid does not work at all; “are you connected to the internet”.

Would be very nice to get some light on these issues …

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First time is to decrypt the device. The second time is to unlock the screen.


Ok, thanks for the explanation. I think this should be INDICATED on both screens (so the user knows what is happening and why the security code is asked two times).


There is a bug that is causing this very likely… as said a couple of times now: Sometimes C2 is very very smooth, elsewhen there are micro lags.

I do not think there is a bug, in comparison to Xiii, C2 is slow, really slow. Jolla has advertised it as a reference device, i am almost certain they will not order another batch fron the manufacturer. In a year’s time, once sfos v5.x is stable the next model of s19 pro max whatever will be used as the new model eg C3.

Ps all the above is my wild guess, i might be wrong on that, not on C2 tho.

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I can’t reproduce this, at least I wouldn’t call the drop noticeable. With twenty-three apps running, including heavy hitters like the browser, camera, maps and several heavy Android apps, the frame counter only shows a quick red spike when you move from Home to Events or the other way around, but this isn’t visible to the eye, and the counter stays at 60 unless you switch back and forth between Home and Events multiple times per second. Compared to my Xperia 10 II, which is only running four apps because it keeps kicking everything else out of memory (even though I doubt those four measly apps are really using up all of its 4GB of RAM), yet shows a constant stream of red spikes and hovers around 58 fps even just idling on Home. The Xperia 10 II never goes above 50 fps inside the Settings app, whereas the C2 shows 60 fps throughout.

I can’t compare with the Xperia 10 III, but to me this feels just as smooth as the original Jolla Phone. I think the problems with slowness and lag many are experiencing are caused by a few bugs that don’t always show up (like this) and not so much the phone itself, because otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense that my C2 is almost perfectly smooth and responsive.

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Comparing C2 against a 5 year old, or 10+ year old phone is not a very representative case. Again C2 was introduced as a “reference” device whatever that means. Anyway I hope SFOS 5.x will evolve further and we get more powerful devices in the near future.

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The flash on the C2 gives very uneven illumination. You can clearly see two bright spots from the two LEDs and a dark bsnd across the middle of photos.

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I’ve had my C2 for a few weeks and these are my initial thoughts.
For reference, I still have a J1 which I use every now and then. Battery will just about get through a day, running EOL OS and I have four different colours backs [when cover colours we a thing] .
Also, my daily use device is a Volla, google free German Android device.
Also, I appreciate the work and effort put into building and keeping alive an ecosystem which is not google related. I have bought into SFOS and I fully intend carrying the subscription into year two and beyond.
My thoughts on the C2 :
The hardware is cheap. Very cheap. It feels very light, very plastic and does not inspire confidence that it will survive many drops. My J1 is still in one piece. The screen has a texture of sand, a grainey feel which makes scrolling less tactile. There is no finger print reader. Battery life is excellent.
Sailfish. The screen resolution is big. Is this a hardware or OS thing ? Not sure. I have Fernschriber running [for example] as a Telegram service. There are only seven conversations / contacts on the screen. Once into a conversation, there are very few lines of text on the screen; probably only about 30% of what I am used to on my Volla.
I did a comparison with actual Telegram installed on the C2 through Aurora and that was even worse for screen usage.
Internet Browser : There seems to be a visual lag / flicker / judder when scrolling. I am using the native browser, although may install Vivaldi and give that a try.
Browsing speed seems ok, not brilliant, not terrible. Usable.
I have not yet found a place to change where to download content to. I have put in a 256gig SD Card. Worked first time with no formatting needed. This was excellent. The mount was immediate. I want to put podcast download content to it [for example] but not sure how to. Will investigate.
So far, these are my initial thoughts after three weeks of usage.
I would love to see SFOS 5.X working on a device with much better screen resolution and see what SFOS looks like when it’s sharp.
If SFOS could be ported back onto the Volla, that might be something to see.


Finally set my C2 today. Came with 55% battery, I charged it up to 100% before I stsrted the setup process.

But I noticed a bug: the battery power level stayed on 55% while charging. So I unplugged the charger, plugged it on again and it showed much more battery power.

GPS inside a building is as bad as on Xperia 10 III, and the whole device feels slower. It’s nice that all three cameras work, but the quality is bad, especially as the choice of the lens affects the photo resolution…

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Androiad apps (like Telegram) scaling can be changed in android app support settings


GPS inside a building is as bad as …

You do realise GPS is a satellite system? It needs to see the satellites? :wink:

Sat Nav - how it works

Sure. It just takes too long.

Sure. It just takes too long.

Sorry, I don’t understand. If you are IN a building it’s never ever ever going to work. It can’t. Not possible.

If you’re really talking about being outside where your device can receive data from the sats that’s another issue.

@Cryx Location inside a building works with cell towers and wlan’s, not satellites. Therefore not possible when Jolla has no contracts with GAFAM + network operators.


Sorry, I’ve built over a 120 mobile networks around the globe. I do know how some things work.

THE phrase used was GPS.

Global Positioning System. Satellite based. Nothing to do with cell towers.

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And Cryx complained about not working GPS inside buildings and thought it should work. Therefore i wrote the post.

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Hence why I gave you a heart

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Completely inside a building is a problem when you don’t get any signal, sure. That wasn’t the point. But standing at a window gives you satellites in gpsinfo, but especially in my first try it felt longer to get a number of satellites than on 10 III.
Please be aware that all this is my first impression from the first hour of C2 usage, but compared to the 10 III the Sony is the better device.

Nevertheless I will try Sevens GPS tweaks soon…


Thanks for the feedback. I did the easier thing and sent the device back! :wink:

The Sony was great, the Nokia N9 was out of this world.